Week 1

  • Period: to

    Age of The Steamboat

    -Movement of cargo that steamboats carried allowed raw materials such as lumber and nails for housing and stores
    -During return trip they carried materials such as cotton which were important for the production of clothing
    -America's economy prospered because of the steamboats
    -By 1815, steamboats were the main vessels traveling the water
  • Period: to

    New Immigration

    -Seeking personal , religious, or economic freedom
    -Some immigrants such as Russians or Ukranian Jews came seeking refuge from religious oppression
    -wanted social mobility offered by the "rags to riches" American dream
    -Seeked employment, most new immigrants from Southern and European nations who fled were in dire economic times with high unemployment + limited opportunity
    -Growth in industrial development
    -Settled in places such as New York, Boston, and Philadelphia
  • Morse Code

    -Used to instantly communicate information and led to the eventual development of the telephone
    -Electric telegraph transformed how communicating was conducted
    -By the 1850s, telegraph wires ran next to RR tracks to most settlements in the U.S.
    -Morse code led to the telegraph, telegraph led to telephone, telephone led to fax machine, fax machine led to internet, internet led to smart phone
  • Captians of Industry Andrew Carnegie

    -19th century industrialists
    -Name "captians of industry" made in 1843
    -Carnegie made his fortune in the steel industry
    -Controlled the most extensive interegated iron and steel operations ever owned by an individual in the US
    -Adopted the Bessemer process for steel making
  • Period: to

    Tammy Hall and Boss Tweed

    -Represented demo party
    -Grant jobs and gov building contract to people who did him favors and encouraged judicial corruption in NYC
    -Openly bought votes for politician in NY
    -Embezzed city funds from NY
    -New Irish immigrants were targeted to make vote in Tweed's favor, in return for help w/ housing and jobs
  • Homestead Act

    -Opened up settlement in the Western US allowing Americans and slaves to claim up to 160 free acres of land
    -Created a war w/ Native Americans to protect their tribal land from white settlement
    Gold in California, extended RR to expand westward
  • 1st Transcontinental Railroad

    -Railroad sped up the transport to industries which sped up the process of making goods
    -Affected settlement allowing easy transport west, people looked for land, cash crop, and new start
    -Easy access to settle cattle for the cowboys/farmers with crops
    -Making farmers feel threatened w/ railroads monopolies
  • Captains of Industry John D. Rockerfeller

    -He was the owner of standard oil company
    -His money helped pay for the creation of universitiy of Chicago to which he gave more than $80 million
    -Help found the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York and Rockefeller Foundation
    -Standard oil got into the business itself with the purchase of pipelines and terminals setting up a system of transportation and distributing gas station is horizontal integration
  • John D. Rockefeller

    -Incorporated standard oil in 1870
    -Built his first oil refinery near cleveland
    -By 18882 he controlled some of 90% of U.S refineries and pipelines, this was considered a monopoly
    -He built the Rockefeller center and donated to the U.S headquarters
  • Period: to

    Rise of Labor Unions

    -Labor unions helped protect the rights of workers
    -To be a part of labor unions workers from there apply for membership and pay dues
    -The purpose of labor members who helped child labor
    -Went on strike, boycott, and sometimes violence would occur
    -Employers attempted to combat the unions w/ Sherman's antitrust laws
    -Employers wanted to exclude unions from their business
  • Bessemer Steel Process

    -The removal of impurities f/ iron
    -The Bessemer process revolutionized steel production, decreasing cost
    -The process made steel 10x stronger than Iron
    -RR went further, building grew high due to strength + low cost of steel
  • Nast VS Boss Tweet

    -Boss Tweed filled important political positions w/ friends
    -Controlled the NYC gov and demo party
    -Established a network of corruption known as "Tweed Ring"
    -Thomas Nast oust Tweed w/ his cartoons and was
    convicted on charges of forgery and larcery
    -Stole millions of dollars from NYC
    -Escaped prison to Spain, he was captured and sent back to NYC
    -He was identified in Spain for Nast's cartoons
  • Chinese Exclusionary Act

    -First significant restriction on US immigration
    -Prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers
    -Act was originally intended to last for 10 years, but was renewed in 1892, and made permanent in 1902, but was repealed by the Magnuson Act in 1943
  • Haymarket Riot

    -Labor protest rally near Chicago's Haymarket Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police
    At least 8 people died
    -8 radical labor activists were convicted in connection with the bombing
    -Haymarket Riot was viewed as a setback for the organized labor movement in America
  • Hull House

    -Located in Chicago
    -Leaders-Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr
    -Purpose-Aid to the needy immigrants to assimilate to American customs
    -Unique in this time period, because they were women
  • Homestead Strike

    -Labor workers went to state because pay wages were getting lower and lower as well as working conditions
    -Andrew Carnegie was in Scotland while Henry Frick was in Chicago
    -There was a miscommunication between them 2 and resulted in Henry using too much force overpower the strikers
    -Labor was responsible for the strike
    -Resulted in the weakening of unionism of the steel industry until the 1930s
  • Period: to

    Ellis Island

    --Gateway for over 12 million immigrants to the U.S. as the nation's busiest immigrant inspection station
    -As annuals from northern and western Europe-Germany, Ireland, Britain and the Scandinavian countries - slowed, more and more immigrants poured in from southern and eastern europe
    -Immigrants who traveled 1st or 2nd class were able to pass through inspection w/o hassle, based on the fact that they could afford to travel 1st or 2nd, they were less likely to have medical issues
  • Pullman Strike

    -George Pullman increased working hours, cut wages, and cut jobs caused from depression in 1893
    -The workers who belonged to the American Railroad Union protested and started the Pullman strike on May 11, 1894
  • Period: to

    The Angel Island

    -Was one entry into the US established by the US
    -The gov detained immigrants sometimes for years, weeks to years before letting them into the US
    -Asian immigrants felt humiliated having to disrobe in front of doctors
    -Asian women were denied entry if they did not have a husband or father already in the country
    -Asian immigrants were denied for small health problems
  • Period: to

    Cattle Drive Era

    -Location in Texas but ended in the mid-west where the trains were that took the castle east
    -Chicago and New York have more people, so the more the people the more they needed beef
    -The new technology was barb wire that ended the open range
  • Americanization Day

    -Movement set about to reshape the eras image around themes of immigrants embracing American culture
    -Across the country, immigrants and non immigrants gathered to sing patriotic songs, recite the Pledge of Allegiance and listen to speeches
    -Pros: Spread culture and assimilation of immigrants into the U.S.
    Cons: Takes away from immigrants sense of pride for their native country
  • Period: to

    Great Migration

    -Push factor-radical tension, violence, poverty, lynching of African Americans led to not enough money
    -Pull factor-job opportunities, community for African Americans development of ethics, neighborhoods specifically, voting was a right
    -They moved to New York and Chicago
    -Created their own African American communities