Flag and money


  • Jamestown's Main purpose to find Riches

    Jamestown's Main purpose to find Riches
    Came over to find mostly Gold and Jewelry.
  • Cash Crop of Jamestown

    Cash Crop of Jamestown
    Instead of finding Gold (which is what the settlers came there for) they ended up finding a great amount of Tobbaco. This made Jamestown really wealthy.
  • Enrollment Act

    Enrollment Act
    The Enrollment Act allowed citizens to buy there way out of the war.
  • The Corporation

    The Corporation
    The Corporation is a movie released in 2004. The movie is about how CEO's and big Corporations get away with doing bad things to ecology to benefit their own wealth and business.
  • McCutcheon vs. FEC

    McCutcheon vs. FEC
    Was a court case regarding wealth. Ctizen united court case that was against the FEC. The court ruled to veto the limit of any person donating to a running politician in a political campaign.