
War On Drugs

By ocouri
  • Bans Marijuana

    Bans Marijuana
    US government bans growing and consumption of marijuana.
  • Nixon starts the War on Drugs

    Nixon starts the War on Drugs
    Initiates the War on Drugs, still going on today. The country now has a different view on drugs and a no tolerance attitude.
  • Mandatory sentencing laws

    Mandatory sentencing laws
    Nelson Rockefeller makes mandatory sentencing in NY as an effort to stop or minimize drug use.
  • Crack Cocaine Madatory sentencing

    Crack Cocaine Madatory sentencing
    Crack cocaine is given a mandatory sentencing if you are caught with it. This in turn sets a ridiculous precedent
  • Medical Marijuana overides federal law

    Medical Marijuana overides federal law
    California allows use of medical marijuana and soon 11 other states follow suit
  • Criticism on Hadling Drug Problems

    Criticism on Hadling Drug Problems
    House Commitee criticises government focus on law enforcement rather than treatment for methamphetamines