War on Drugs

  • The marijuana tax act

    The marijuana tax act
    This act banned the use, growing and distrupting marijuana.
  • Richard Nixon cracks down hard

    Richard Nixon cracks down hard
    Nixon launches an all out war on drugs with a zero tolerance kind of attitude. First white house with an anti drug office.
  • Drug Use is at its highest.

    Drug Use is at its highest.
    In 1979 drug use was at an all time high of 25 millions/ 14% of all americans using illegal substances.
  • Ronald Regan pushes for more money on anti-drugs

    Ronald Regan pushes for more money on anti-drugs
    Budgets for drug enforcments has doubled in the year of 1986 to 3.9 million.
  • California uses marijuana for medical use.

    California uses marijuana for medical use.
    This was the first state to legalize marijuana for medical use and 11 states follow after that.
  • Clinton administration

    Clinton administration
    The clinton administration and the columbian government team up to stop all the cocaine producing in columbia.
  • People getting arrested for drugs

    People getting arrested for drugs
    In 2004 1.7 million people nationwide were arrested for drug use. Thats 22% more than 1995
  • Colorado and Washington legalize marijuana for recrational use.

    Colorado and Washington legalize marijuana for recrational use.
    These 2 states completely leagalized marijuana for recreational use.