Unit 3 Project

  • Second Great Awakening

    Second Great Awakening
    The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant religious movement during the early 19th century in the United States. Leaders of the movement were people such as Charles Grandison Finney, Henry Ward Beecher, etc. Key Concept: This event is significant in the American Dream because it was the revival of Protestant denominations.
  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    Proclamation of Neutrality
    The Proclamation of Neutrality was a announcement made by the U.S. President George Washington that declared the nation is to remain neutral between the conflict between France and Great Britain. Key Concept: This event is significant to leadership because George Washington took charge and declared America neutral between the two nations in order to prevent hostilities.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    Jays Treaty was a treaty between Great Britain and the United States which helped in detouring from a war. England agreed to give up its forts in the northwestern frontier and a joint commission was also set up to settle border disputes between the two countries. Key Concept: This treaty falls under the diplomacy category because it had diplomats help settle the disagreements between the nations in order to restore peace.
  • Treaty of Greenville

    Treaty of Greenville
    The Treaty of Greenville was a treaty between the white settlers in America and the natives of the Ohio region. The natives were not enthusiastic about the treaty; they saw it as forced. However, they had little choice due to the advantage of the settlers in weapons and numbers. Key Concept: The treaty falls under the diplomacy region because it had multiple demands the natives were to follow.
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    Pinckney's Treaty
    Pinckney's Treaty was a treaty designed to establish friendship between the United States and Spain. Key Concept: The treaty fits under Diplomacy due to diplomatic measures being taken in order to have peace between the two nations.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Washington's Farewell Address
    Washington's Farewell Address was a document that was targeted towards Americans to avoid excessive political party spirit as well as geographical distinctions. He also warned against long-term alliances with other nations. Key Concept: This document is significant in leadership because it shows Washington trying to lead America in a path to protect it.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    The XYZ Affrair was an incident between three French ministers (X, Y, and Z) as well as United States diplomats in French territory to negotiate an agreement to protect U.S. shipping. However, the ministers initiated a bribe which led to preparations for war. The war following the event is known as the Quasi-War. Key Concept: this affair is important under diplomacy because it was a meeting that was supposed to benefit the U.S. but ended up erupting into a war between France and America.
  • Alien and Sedition Act

    Alien and Sedition Act
    The Alien and Sedition Acts were a series of laws passed signed by President Adams to deport foreigners and make it harder for new immigrants to vote in the U.S. Key Concept: This is significant in the Diplomacy section because the Federalist Congress and John Adams made decisions they saw would benefit America.
  • Convention of 1800

    Convention of 1800
    The Convention of 1800, also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine, was between the United Sates and France in order to settle hostilities that erupted during the Quasi-War. Key Concept: This is significant in the Diplomacy category because two countries were trying to restore peace.
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    The Election of 1800 was the fourth presidential election held between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Jefferson defeated John Adams. Key Concept: the Election of 1800 had conflict present because each opponent believed that the victory one by the other would ruin America.
  • Midnight Judges

    Midnight Judges
    The midnight judges were people of the Supreme Court appointed by John Adams to complete tasks for him before his reign was completed. Key Concept: This is significant in the conflict section because Adams was using his last days as President to fulfill tasks that may have upset others.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was made between the United States and France to determine who would take ownership of the Louisiana Territory. Key Concept: The purchase fits into the American Dream because the territory gave Americans more land to continue expansion. It also helped the United States from going to war with France.
  • National Road

    National Road
    The National road was the first major highway that was improved in the United Sates which was built by the federal government. The road connected the Potomac and Ohio Rivers and was also a main path to the west for settlers to use. Key Concept: The road helped the American Dream because it let Americans travel west to settle and was a easy way to travel in general.
  • Steam boat

    Steam boat
    A steam boat is a boat propelled by a steam engine. Robert Fulton began building a steamboat in New York, 1806 on the East River. The boat named the Clermont made its first voyage on the Hudson River in 1807. Key Concept: The boat fits into the American Dream because it helped move settlers westward and aided in the trade of goods which brought in revenue.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    The Embargo Act was a law passed by the United States Congress and signed by President Thomas Jefferson which prohibited American ships from trading in all foreign ports. Key Concept: This event is significant in the Diplomacy section because President Jefferson managed international relations.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The War of 1812 was a war between Britain and the United States of America. This war is also sometimes referred to as the second American war for independence. Key Concept: This event is significant for the conflict section because of the sheer fact of it being a literal conflict between Britain and America that led to a war. The reasoning for war was because the British restricted Americas trade and kidnapped their sailors to ultimately be slaves on British ships.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Hartford Convention was the series of multiple meetings in Hartford, Connecticut.The New England Federalist Party met to discuss the ongoing War of 1812 as well as political problems. Key Concept: The convention had conflict present because the Federalist Party was unhappy with the War of 1812 and labeled it as "Mr. Madison's War".
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The Erie Canal is a man made canal built in New York in order to have a sea route from the Atlantic Ocean to multiple destinations. This waterway allowed there to be trade of goods as well as easy travel. Key Concept: This is significant for the American Dream because it allowed easier trade thus bringing in more money.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise ended a dispute between slave and free states. The compromise contained multiple laws passed and was agreed to by states who were pro-slavery and anti-slavery. Key Concept: this event is significant in conflict because many believe it led to the Civil War.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine declared any foreign colonization in the U.S., America were to remain neutral in European Wars, and there to be no intervention in the United States. The Doctrine was delivered to Congress by President James Monroe. Key Concept: This is significant in Diplomacy because James Monroe set regulations for the United States.