War in Europe

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    War in europe

  • Union with Austria

    Union with Austria
    Hitler’s first target was to invade Austria. Austria was what remained of the Austria-Hungary Empire after the Paris Peace Conference after WWI. The majority of the Austrian population, 6 million people, was German. The people were in favor of unifying the two counties. On March 12, 1938 Hitler lead the German troops into the Austrian land. As they march and invade nobody opposed his decision and embrace the unification. Later that same day Germany announced the unification of both countries
  • Bargaining for the Sudetenland

    Bargaining for the Sudetenland
    Hitler’s second target was Czechoslovakia. Since he wanted to take over the Czechoslovakia he started presenting false information. Germans were told that the German’s living in Czechoslovakia were being abused. Hitler invited Chamberlain and Daladier to discus on them handing over Sudetenland to Germany. They gave the Germans Sudetenland, signing the Munchi agreement. Once Chamberlain came home the House of Commons aggreed with his choice.Churchill opposed the aggrement and called them cowards.
  • The Soviet Union Declares Neutrality

    The Soviet Union Declares Neutrality
    During spring Hitler accuse the polish of mistreating their German-speaking people and they needed his protections. Poland was had no concers of Hitler trying to take over, because they were protected by France and Britain. As Poland started to worry about their safety Stalin signed an aggrement handing Poland over to Hitler. The aggrement in the nonaggresion pact was that the Soviet Union and Germany agreed not to fight each other. Also that they would slip Poland in half.
  • Blitzkrieg in Poland

    Blitzkrieg in Poland
    The German Air Force Luftwaffe was at large releasing bombs over Poland’s military forces. September 1, 1939, The Germans had decided to experiment on their new strategy, the Blitzkrieg. The goal of Blitzkrieg was to surprise the enemy with advanced warfare technology and crush them with it. The act of War on Poland led British and French forces to declare war on Germany, but it was too late. The German forces had by that time taken control of Poland and crushing their existence.
  • The Phony War

    The Phony War
    After Poland’s defeat French and British forces sat on their fortress overlooking German Forces, waiting, watching for action. Meanwhile Stalin had begun to expand his territory by annexing Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. He had also sent a large amount of his forces to defeat Finland. Hitler had then planned to build basses along the coast for a greater advantage to strike Great Britain, launching a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway.
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    British and French Soldiers were at a disadvantage. The German Army had pushed back the French and British troops and forced them to flee. Many were captured and killed, a week later vessals were assemble to send troop across the Channel. While fighting the French and British soldiers were hit hard with German’s allies, Italy. Italy had successfully invaded France from the south.. On June 22, 1940 Hitler had immobilized and forced surrender upon French Officers; controllin Northern France.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    Germany believed they were ready to invade Britain. They knew their naval power could not rival British fleets so they focused on the Air. Their goal was to take down Britain’s Air Force. After the German had controlled the skies they droped ammunition on London. Air raids were constant, never failing to drop a bomb over London. Though they were at loss British forces did not back down.They had developed technology to spot aircrafts accurately.the technology helped destroy 185 aircrafts in 1 day