Walt Disney By: Mahnoor

  • Siblings (Starting Date)

    Siblings (Starting Date)
    Disney had four siblings; three brothers and one sister. His siblings names were Herbert Arthur Disney (born on December 8th 1888), Raymond Arnold Disney (born on December 30th 1890), Roy Olivia Disney (born on June 24th 1893), and lastly Ruth Flora Disney (born on December 6th 1903).
  • Walt Disney is Born!

    Walt Disney is Born!
    Walt Disney was born on December 5th 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. His parent’s names were Elias and Flora Disney.
  • Walt Disney and his brothers first sister.

    Walt Disney and his brothers first sister.
    December 6, 1903, Ruth Flora Disney is born. The first daughter and first sister of the three brothers.
  • Walt Disney graduates high school

    Walt Disney graduates high school
    Walt Disney graduates high school. He graduates from Benton High School. (June 8th, 1917)
  • Getting married

    Getting married
    Around the month of April, 1925 Roy marries Edna Francis. Walt meets Lillian Bounds, hired by the Studios as an inker. Walt recalled "I couldn't afford to pay her, so I married her!” Then in July 13 of the same year (1925) Walt Disney Married Lillian.
  • Amusement Park Opens and Walt Disney Dies

    Amusement Park Opens and Walt Disney Dies
    Lastly Walt Disney planned and built Disneyland, a huge amusement park that opened near Los Angeles in 1955, and before his death he had begun building a second such park, Walt Disney World, near Orlando, Florida. Walt Disney’s death occurred on December 15, 1966 from lung cancer - after many years of chain smoking cigarettes.
  • signing a contact

    signing a contact
    On October 16, in 1923 Walt & Roy sign a contract with M.J. Winkler, a New York cartoon distributor. Roy was Walt’s brother. They rent a room at the back of a real estate office. Roy operates a secondhand camera while two girls were hired to ink & paint the celluloids. Walt does the animation.