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By vronhr6
  • Benito Mussolini becomes Prime Minister of Italy

    Benito Mussolini becomes Prime Minister of Italy
    The king of italy allowed Benito Mussolini to become prime minister(Il Duce, meaning leader) of Italy and to form a new type of government, known as fascisim. The king did this as an attempt to prevent a civil war from happening. Although this did not directly affect America at the time, it would affect World War Two because as it turned out Mussolini was a ruthless dictator who believed strongly in imperialism and expanding the Italian empire.
  • Stock Market Crashes

    Stock Market Crashes
    Also known as Black Tuesday, this is considered to be one of the worst days in American History. Do to the high prices in the stock market that day, people began to sell out. People who had been buying on credit, became in serious debt. With the loss of money, Americans swarmed to banks, only to find that their savings had been wiped out due to all the withdrawls that day. Many people went bankrupt. This began the Great Derpression;leading to unemployment and more soldiers to fight in WW2.
  • Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. After fighting for the Germany Army in WW1,Hitler tried to seize power in Munich (Beer Hall Putsch) and was sent to jail. In his time in prison, Hitler wrote , “My Struggle”, that stated what his plan was for Germany,out of prison Hitler joined the Nazi party and then became the leader of it. He grew the acceptance of the German people with his plans to get them out of their economic state. This partly caused WW2 because Hitler wanted to take over the world
  • The Rhineland is Militarized by France

    The Rhineland is Militarized by France
    In part of the Treaty of Versailles it was agreed that Germany was under not allowed to build/engage on the Rhineland (an area along the French Rhine River) and that the Rhineland should be protected by military forces. In June of 1930 British forces who had been sent there to protect the land returned home along with the French forces seeing that Rhineland was safe. This affects World War Two because it leaves Rhineland vulnerable and holds Germany to a promise that they would not keep.
  • Japan First Attacks Manchuria

    Japan First Attacks Manchuria
    Japan launched its first attack on Manchuria thus eventually seizing it. Japan had been planning this attack for a long period of time; they wanted to expand their empire and gain the natural resources Manchuria had to offer. Japan knew that they would be successful in their endeavor because they had the military strength to physically take over Manchuria. This caused turmoil among the League of Nations because they did not trust Japan's intentions and did not support Japan heading into WW2.
  • FDR is Elected President of the United States

    FDR is Elected President of the United States
    FDR is elected to be president of the United States. He beats

    Hoover (the other nominee) by a landslide and promises the American people that he will get them out of this mess (the Great Depression). FDR achieves his goals with the New Deal. The “New Deal” offers American’s jobs, and social benefit programs (welfare, social security, unemployment etc.) His presidency would lead him to be neutral throughout World War Two until it was completely necessary.
  • Italy Takes Over Ethiopia

    Italy Takes Over Ethiopia
    Like Japan, Italy wanted to expand its Empire, Ethiopia was a perfect opportunity because it was weak, but also because its access to the Red Sea would come in handy to Italy’s trade market. Italy easily obtained Ethiopia because of its measly military and because no other countries stepped in to defend Ethiopia. Although the League of Nations scolded Italy it was more like a slap on the wrist then a punishment. They did however loose trust in Italy and not support them going into WW2.
  • Hitler Violates the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler Violates the Treaty of Versailles
    Although since Hitler had been in power he had not payed back Great Britain or France and was suppose to because of the Treaty of Versailles. This was his first real violation of the Treaty. Adolf Hitler marched some of his military back into Rhineland where he remilitarized Rhineland; this was a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles. This helped cause World War Two because it caused friction between France and showed other European countries that Hitler would not follow any written rules
  • Civil War Breaks out in Spain

    Civil War Breaks out in Spain
    The Spanish army tried to rebel against its government (the second Spanish Republic) but failed to do so. Germany and Italy gave support to the people rebelling thus gaining their loyalty. This caused rebelling Spanish civilians to supply the countries with information, men, weapons and other demands. In other words giving them more support and power then they would have otherwise had.
  • Anschluss

    Germany begins to expand and try to annex the Austria Empire. Germany was successful and Austria became known as the Third Reich. This really got the ball rolling in terms that a war would be prevalent in the near future because Germany kept expanding and gaining control of other European nations.
  • France Surrenders to Germany

    France Surrenders to Germany
    France surrenders in the first battle with Germany. Germany easily defeated Denmark and Poland (France’s allies and neighbors) and then went on to take over France who did not have a strong defense at the time. This directly caused the Battle of Britain. Which led to more battles in World War Two.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    The prime minister of Great Britain at the time, (Chamberlain), and the leader of France at the time, (Daladier) met with Adolf Hitler to “prevent” a war with Germany. Although Germany did promise not to annex or take over any more European countries they did have to give up Sudetenland. How this really caused an effect on Europe was the fact that France and Great Britain and many other European countries thought that Germany would keep its promise and thus did not make any preparations for war
  • Kristallnacht (9th and 10th of November)

    Kristallnacht (9th and 10th of November)
    Kristallnacht also known as the Night of Broken Glass occurred. This was one of the first very violent acts against German Jews in Germany. German Nazi soldiers destroyed German Jewish businesses and property. This was not the end of the anti Semites acts however; Hitler would later set up Concentration Camps which would cause other countries to find out what a dictator Hitler was and caused more countries to either join the war or to give their support to the forces opposing Germany.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Since Manchuria (loosely controlled part of China) was completely under control it was easier to take over China.The United States of America and other countries had denied Japan resources, Japan had to go in search of its own. China was one of those countries; it had an abundance of natural resources. This contributed to WW2 because it caused the United Stated, although neutral, to provide aid to China which would then in turn caused Japan to become very angry with the USA.
  • Nazi Soviet Pact

    Nazi Soviet Pact
    Nazi and Soviet Parties signed a pact with one another that states no aggression and alliance in case of threat from different countries. This upset not only Britain but America as well because it showed that Germany was gaining more allies by the month and had clear and deliberate plans to take over/ or annex other European Countries.
  • Germany takes over Poland

    Germany takes over Poland
    Germany invades and takes over Poland. The Soviet Union helped with the over throws of Germany and thus the Empire of Germany and Soviet Union spread. This was one of the direct causes of World War Two because the allies of Poland (Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom declared War on Germany. South Africa, France and Canada also declared War on Germany shortly after.
  • Phony War Begins

    Phony War Begins
    The Phony War begins. The Phony war was a time period between 1939-1940 when it ended in which for one winter Germany made no advances on any other European countries however after that winter Germany launched a massive invasion known as the Lightening War on Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands and France. This very deeply worried the League of Nations and caused other countries to give support and resources.
  • The Neutrality Act

    The Neutrality Act
    The Neutrality Act- Signed by FDR; FDR made a promise that the United States would remain Neutral throughout World War Two. This was important to World War Two because Germany heard of this and knew we would not be fighting him or giving our support to other countries; we would be uninvolved as a Nation. It also gave Japan the chance to attack Pearl Harbor because they knew we were not exspecting it and thus would not have good defense at Pearl Harbor.
  • Winston Churchill Becomes Prime Minister of England

    Winston Churchill Becomes Prime Minister of England
    Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain and remains Prime Minister throughout World War Two. This pertains a lot to the outcome of World War Two, because of his future alliance with the United States of America and the decisions he would make with FDR in reguards to the War.
  • Mirace at Dunkirk (May-June)

    Mirace at Dunkirk (May-June)
    French and British troops were defeated and trapped by German soldiers at the French sea port of Dunkirk. With no way to escape, the British and French called civilian boats to come and rescue them. Almost all the soldiers were rescued(a miracle). This added to World War Two because it showed the Germans what lengths the French and British were willing to take to save their men and win the war. It also kept up the morale of the soldiers and the countires fighting Germany in WW2.
  • The Battle of Britain (July 10-October 31)

    The Battle of Britain (July 10-October 31)
    This was the first battle of World War Two that attempted to be completely fought by air force. Britain won the battle and Germany was forced to surrender. This was a very important turning point in World War Two because this was the first big battle the allied forces won, it also showed this would not be a small and short war; it would be a very large and difficult war,
  • Lend Lease Act

    Lend Lease Act
    The Lend Lease Act was passed by FDR in the United States on this day. This act stated that the United States could give weapons to Nations that seemed in need and worthy of defense. This helped Great Britain and France greatly because they were running low on weapons since the last battle, The Battle of Britain. It also in a way broke our "neutral" stance and irritated Hitler because we were providing aid for his enemy.
  • Japan seized IndoChina

    Japan seized IndoChina
    Japan seized Indochina on this day. With this seize Japan had complete control of resources and areas of Manchuria, Indochina and China. This was very bad in terms of World War Two because this gave Japan the power to attack the United States and other Nations because they now possessed the natural resources, ports and land.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Atlantic Charter
    This was signed by FDR that said that the United States would not attack Japan. This proved to be unsuccessful because Japan later attacked Pearl Harbor. However it does show how hard the United States tried to stay out of World War Two.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor the USA navy base in Hawaii was attacked on this day. The United States was deliberately attacked without warning despite the United States’ neutrality in World War Two. This caused the United States to declare war on Japan and to join the allied forces.