Voyager Probes

  • Period: to

    Voyager Probes

  • Sputnik Launch

    Significants: It had satellite so it could gain information about the atmosphere
  • Pioneer Program Launch

    NASA provided the materials for this. It was the first of its kind and cost over 350 million dollars. Significants was that it got to discover the Sun, Jupitar, Saturn and Venus
  • Mercury Launch

    Spacecraft; same significants and Sputnik and Gemini. There was a man on all of these to help with the experiment
  • The venare probes

    Significants; It got to explore the atmosphere of Venus and it made is sucessfully. RKA and Russia were the producers of thids experiment.
  • Mariner Program

    The NASA program and many scientists. Cost was about 544 million dollars. Significants was that it passed by Mars, Mercury, and Venus.
  • Ending of the Mariner Program

    it got to take photos of the land and test the condition of it. It has a sucessful flyby but came to an end.
  • The Viking Probes

    Two missions; Viking 1 and 2. There were two parts that got sent into space and the orbiter is still up there. Significants was that they found out how mars looked from the inside and the differeent land features on it. Viking 2 was on September 9th, 1975
  • Voyager 2 launches

    Voyager 2 launches from Kennedy Space Flight Center.
  • Voyager 1 takes Flight

    Voyger 1 launches from Kennedy Space Flight Center. It also returnes to earht a picture of the Earth and the Moon.
  • The Cassini Misson

    NASA< ESA, And ASI were all involved. 5,000 people helped. The significants was that it got to land on TiTian and use camera to 'see". It was the first spacecraft that got there.
  • Ending of the Pioneer Program

    This lasted about 20 years and Pioneer 10 was the most sucessful
  • Approach to Jupitar

    Voyager 1 makes its closest point to Jupiter. July 9th, 1979 was the time that the second approach to Jupitar happened. The signifcants of this event would be that they got there and it was sucessful
  • The space shuttle

    Significants: It could put satellites in space. But in 1986 it exploded with one teacher inside. STS-135 took of on June 28th, 2011.
  • The Magellan Spacecraft

    Ferdinand Magellamn was involved. It went to the Atlantas, Venus, and got radar images. Its significants was the radar images it collect, and that they found out about the no water on Venus.
  • Galilieo Spacecraft Launch

    Significant: It got to discover Jupitar
  • The Mars Exploration Rover

    NASA and the US. Significants was that the US beat the soviet union to space. It cost over 2.6 billion dollars
  • Launch of the Hubble Space Craft

    The total cost of this launch was 1.5 billion dollars. The pictures turned out blurry at first but it soon got fixed and we are now getting very detailed pictures being sent back to earth.
  • Gallilieo Spacecraft Probe Release

  • N.E.A.R

    Signifcants: It used cameras to take pictures of the asteroid and it got to measure shape, mass, and density with the gravity fields. It landed on Eros 26 months to construt.
  • Launch of Space Stations

    This was first launched on this day. It was incredible becasue it coul dbe seen from earth with the naked eye, and itwas still being built when it went into space
  • 2nd of Space Stations

    It took 13 years to finish this and it is still in space orbiting the earth asnd finding out new information on different planets (including easrth)