Volcano beautiful eruption

Volcanic Eruptions (souren)

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    Mount Vesuvius

    Mount Vesuvius
    Mt. Vesuvius's most famous eruption was in 79 A.D. when it destroyed the citites of Herculaneum and Pompeii. When Vesuvius erupted it covered the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii it covered the cities with 20 feet of volcanic debris. During this eruption about 2000 people were killed. That eruption was called a plinian explosion. This means that when extremely gas-rich, magma explodes deep inside a volcano. N.B the actual date was 0079
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    Mount Vesuvius

    The eruption was trigerred by an earthquake on 5th febuary 62 AD. The eruption lasted for 2 days. The eruption destroyed pompeii and killed everyone in pompeii the only survivers were Pliny the younger and his uncle Pliny the elder they described the eruption as a pine tree.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bsmv6PyKs0#t=53
  • Huaynaputina

    The eruption of Huaynaputina volcano in 1600 AD was the largest historically recorded eruption in South America and one of the largest in the world during the past 2000 years..the volcano killed more than 1500 people. and ash buried ten villages. It took 150 years for peruvians to fully recover from the volcanic eruption. This volcano affected mostly Peruvians from ages of 15 to 54.
  • Tseax Cone

    Tseax Cone
    Basalt lava flows traveled into the Tseax River, damming it and forming Lava Lake. The flow subsequently traveled 11 km north to the Nass River, where it filled the flat valley floor for an additional 10 km, making the entire lava flow approximately 22.5 km long. The volcano destroyed two nisga's villages. The 1775 eruption was triggered earthquake of 1700.The Nass River valley contains abundant tree casts and lava tubes. approximately 2,000 Nisga'a people died due to volcanic gases and poison.
  • Mount Asama

    Mount Asama
    On August 3, 1783, Japan’s Mount Asama erupts and for 15 hours, Mud flows to a distance of more than 125 miles. Land in Shimano and Kozuke provinces is showered with both ash and volcanic deposits.The eruption happened in Honshū which has the most population in japan which the eruption killed about 1500 people . Many more die in the years that follow from starvation.
  • Mount Mayon

    Mount Mayon
    The most distructive eruption by mount mayon was on febuary 1st 1814 the lava flowing from the eruption buried two cities and it was one of the biggest eruptions in Philippines. The ashes from the eruption and the result of the mount tambora eruption led to the year without summer. More than 1200 people died from the eruption and many got injured.
  • Mount Tambora

    Only around 11,000 people died directly from the eruption. The volcano caused a big change in weather in following year which 1816 was called a year without summer.
  • Mount Tambora

    Mount Tambora
    Tambora produced the largest eruption known on the planet during the past 10,000 years. The volcano erupted more than 50 cubic kilometers of magma. at the end of the eruption destroyed 30 km3 of the mountain. The eruption produced global climatic effects and killed more than 100,000 people, directly and indirectly. The eruption was a rated 7 volcano. The explosion from the eruption was heard in 2000 km. Most deaths were indirect and it was because of diseases and starvation.
  • Laki

    The Laki eruption lasted eight months during which time about 14 cubic km of basaltic lava. Haze from the eruption was reported from Iceland to Syria. During the eruption iceland lost lots of it's crop and it killed one-quarter of icelanders being mostly christians. The eruption effected the weather as well and had consequences for many europian countries. It also had consequences on north america as the temperature in winter decreased.The eruption weakend the african circulation.
  • Mount Galunggung

    Mount Galunggung
    In the month of October of 1882, a casualty occurred. In Indonesia the volcano Mt. Galunggung erupted. This eruption caused 4,011 deaths and 114 destroyed villages Indonesia. It was also categorized as a VEI=5 volcanic eruption.The VEI stands for Volcanic Explosivity Index and it records how much volcanic material is thrown out, how high the eruption goes, and how long it lasts. The most kills from the eruption were from mudflow and it killed many of the tourist.The eruption cost 2.74 billion.
  • Krakatoa

    Krakatau is an island volcano along the Indonesian arc, between the much larger islands of Sumatra and Java. Krakatau erupted in 1883, in one of the largest eruptions in recent time. It is estimated that more than 36,000 people died.Many died as a result of thermal injury from the blasts and many more were victims of the tsunamis that followed the collapse of the volcano into the caldera below sea level.After the eruption, it was found that the island of Krakatoa had almost entirly disappeared.
  • Mount Tarawera

    The amount of gases and ashes in the air darkened the sky and all the lava landed in the river close by. About 60 people sheltered in whare of a building called sophia or in their meeting houses. About 153 people died moslt being tourists and the guides.
  • Mount Tarawera

    Mount Tarawera
    Mount Tarawera is one of the biggest tourist attraction in new zeland the tourist stay at near by villages to go to mount Tarawera. On 1st of june 1886 some of the tourists claimed to have seen a canoe disapear near the volcano. On first of june the volcano started the eruption early in the morning with a huge sound and lightning flashe. Eye witnesses say that in the morning the volcano split open and huge column of lava and hot gases were thrown out of the volcano.
  • Soufrière

    Soufriere is a volcano on the island of St. Vincent.. Violent eruption occurred in 1718, 1812, and 1902. The 1902 eruption killed 1,600 people. Almost everyone who died were people of the crib which was a culture in the island which after the eruption the culture was destroyed and buried under ashes.
  • Mount Pelée

    Mount Pelée
    Mount Pelée is located in an island in the caribbean sea it began its eruptions on April 23, 1902.Earlier in january mount pelee started to increase the inside activity but public didn't show any concern that was after other small eruptions from before which showed that the volcano is active and dangerous. But early in the april mount pelee showed some minor explosions. The eruption killed 30,000 people which destroyed the whole island, the most death was in the city of saint-pierre.
  • Mount Pelée

    The eruption scared and killed many animals as well as humans. The eruption scared the snakes which drove them to killing people, atleast 50 people died from snake bites. The major eruption happened on 8th of may which the eruption made a huge noise and exploded gases and ashe which made a black cloud. The explosion killed everyone and there were only two survivors from the eruption.
  • Mount Taal

    Mount Taal
    Taal Volcano is located on the island Luzon, south of the Philippines' captial Manila. The eruption took 1,335 lives and injured 199 and cause serious damage to surrounding areas. The seven barangays that existed on the island previous to the eruption were completely wiped out. The volcano killed mostly the citizens.
  • Mount St.Helens

    Mount St.Helens
    Mount St. Helens, Washington, is the most active volcano in the Cascade Range.The first sign of activity at Mount St. Helens in the spring of 1980 was a series of small earthquakes that began on March 16. In a week the crater had increased 1300 feet in diameter with two giant cracks in the summit area. 57 people died and there was 1.1 billion property damage.An eruption column rose 80,000 feet into the atmosphere and deposited ash in 11 U.S. states. The eruption also cause other disasters.
  • Nevado del Ruiz

    Nevado del Ruiz
    A relatively small eruption in 1985 caused a devastating mud flow that killed almost 25,000 people in the town of Armero which was 70% of the population, marking one of the worst volcanic disasters in history .pumice and ash began to fall to the northeast along with heavy rain that had started earlier in the day.. Four towns were reported buried. Many buildings like hospitals and schools were destroyed. the eruption cost 7.7 billion for colombia. The eruption had one of the biggest lahars.