• Get away from that kid!

    Get away from that kid!
    Aryan and non-Aryan children were not allowed to play with each other
  • I quit!

    Jewish civil servants were taken out from public office
  • No sport here..

    Jews were not allowed in sport and gymanastic clubs they were excluded
  • ID please

    Jews were stripped of their germans citezenship
  • No love

    Marriages and extramarital sex between Jews and German were punished by imprisonment and marriages between the two races were declared invalid
  • Once a Jew always a Jew

    Jews were still considered Jews even if they converted to christianity and were baptised
  • I'll take that

    I'll take that
    Jews were to declare their finances so their assets could be taken by the government.
  • your name?

    jewish males had to change their first names to israel and females to sara
  • closed

    jews could no longer run their independent buisnesses
  • not here

    Jews were banned from going to theatres, cinemas, concerts and operas.
  • no school

    no school
    Jewish children were not allowed to go to state schools
  • license please

    Jews had to hand over their license and vehicle permists to the police
  • midwives

    Jewish women were not allowed to work as midwives anymore
  • Get out

    Get out
    Jews could be evicted from their homes without reason or notice being served
  • Curfews

    Jews were not allowed to leave their homes after 8pm in winter and 9pm in summer