Vincent Van Gogh's timeline

  • Vincent is born

    Vincent is born
    Vincent Van Gogh was born in Groot-Zundert, March 30, 1853
  • Period: to


  • Vincent's Job

    Vincent's Job
    Vincent starts to work for the first time as a substitute teacher at a bording school in Ramsgate
  • The art accadamy

    The art accadamy
    Vincent moves to Brussel to study at the art accadamy on October 15, 1880
  • Traveling to Paris

    Traveling to Paris
    Vincent travels to Paris to study at Fernand Cormon's studio. During this time Vincent paints " Bridges across the Seine"
  • Creating more paintings

    Creating more paintings
    Vincent creates the painting " Vase With Twelve Sunflowers" and
    " Bedroom In Arles."
  • Ear Injury

    Ear Injury
    Vincent woke up in an Arles Hospital with a bandage on his right ear, after attempting to cut it off.
  • A portrit of Vincent

    A portrit of Vincent
    Vincent's friend Paul Gauguin paints a protrait of Vincent, "The Painter of "Sunflowers"
  • Painting "The Starry Night"

    Painting "The Starry Night"
    Vincent paints "The Starry Night" and "Cypresses"
  • Final Art Work

    Final Art Work
    Vincent creates his final art work, called "Daubigny's Garden"
  • Death of Vincent van Gogh

    Death of Vincent van Gogh
    Vincent Van Gogh died after he shot himself in the chest on a field. Throughout his life he had suffered with mental illness.