Vietnam War

  • America becomes involved in French Inochina War

    America becomes involved in French Inochina War
    Ho Chi Minh takes control of Vietnam and declares it a communist and independent natrion. The U.S. helps France fight the communism in Vietnam in support of the domino theory.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    The Geneva Accords are a resolution/ an end to the French Indochiina War in Vietnam. Vietnam was split at the 17th parallel that were planned to be reunited by elections in 1956. Ho Chi Minh controlled the North while Ngo Diem held power of the South.
  • The Start of the War

    The Start of the War
    This date is often referred to as the start of the Vietnam War when the Vietcong attacked and took control of many districts in the Kien Hoa Province. The Vietcong constructed a "people's comittee" but South Vietnam was able to regain control. This uprising sparked many others that would follow in South Vietnam.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    This resolution granted congressional approval for expansion of the war. It allowed President Johnson to take any necessary actions in order for peace to be maintained in Asia.
  • Election in Vietnam of 1956

    Election in Vietnam of 1956
    America canceled the election that was planned to take place in 1965 that would reunite the divided countries. The South Vietnamese President Diem was corrupting the government, restricted buddhists, and didn't return land to peasants.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The My Lai Massacre occured in South Vietnam when U.S. soldiers murdered between 347-500 civilians who were unarmned. Infants, women, children, and men were all victims. Some women were even gang raped and only one soldier was ever convicted of any crime.
  • Riots at the Democratic National Convention

    Riots at the Democratic National Convention
    On this day 10,000 protestors stayed outside the convention in Chicago insisting on an anti-war platform. This riot was not very peaceful and protestors clashed with police who sprayed mace, shouted, and beat them. All the actions of the police were televised.