Vietnam War

By szendle
  • Geneva Accords Signed

    Geneva Accords Signed
    The Geneva Accords ended the French Indochina War. They allowed Vietnam to be divided at the 17th parallel. Ho Chi Minh, a communist, came into power over the North, and Ngo Diem, a democrat led the South
  • Vietnamese Troops (allegedly) torpedo 2 U.S. Destroyers

    Vietnamese Troops (allegedly) torpedo 2 U.S. Destroyers
    LBJ announced that North Vietnamese troops had torpedoed two destroyers, saying tht the attacks were unprovoked.
  • LBJ approves Operation Rolling Thunder

    LBJ approves Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation Rolling Thunder was the first bombing of North Vietnam, and was the first true act of war in the Vietnam War.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    On the Buddist holiday Tet, Vietcong soldiers attacked South Vietnam, taking many lives and capturing territory from North. The U.S. responded with a counterattack, regaining loss territory and causing two times more damage to the Vietcong.
  • Richard Nixon Sworn in as President

    Richard Nixon Sworn in as President
    Nixon defeated Huber Humphrey in the 1968 election and was sworn into ofice early the following year.
  • Nison Introduces Vietnamization

    Nison Introduces Vietnamization
    Nixon introduced the idea to the American Public in a nationally televised speech. He suggested, a gradual, phased withdrawal from Vietnam.
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
    Four anti-war protestors at Kent State University were shot and killed by the Ohio National Guard