Vietnam War

By Apoliti
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    Vietnam was separated into North and South Vietnam as an effort to prevent communism from taking over Vietnam. The accords also resulted in a ceasefire.
  • SDS founded

    SDS founded
    The SDS stands for Students for a Democratic Society. The members/activists of this group were mostly college students. The focus of this group was resentment towards America military involvement in Vietnam.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    In a response to the Tonkin incident, the U.S. promised to expand its forces in Vietnam. Since it was a resolution and not a bill, it could be very vague in how drastic these motifications would be.
  • Nixon Wins the Election

    Nixon Wins the Election
    President Nixon won his election with almost 56% of the popular vote. He promised to withdraw the United States from conflict in Vietnam. He was Republican, and was the only president in history to resign.
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Invasion of Cambodia
    A series of operations and plans that involved bringing American troops into Cambodia and have military involvement in Eastern Cambodia. The invasion plan was proposed by president Nixon.
  • Kent State Student Shot

    Kent State Student Shot
    A Kent State student was shot during relatively peaceful protest. The protest targeted military involvement in Vietnam.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    Saigon was the capitol of South Vietnam. Once America troops fled, it was quickly captured by the Vietcong. It symbolized the failure of the U.S.'s attempt to prevent North Vietnamese control.