Vietnam War

  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    The Geneva Accords resolved the French Indochina War. It was agreed to divide Vietnam at the 17th parallel. Ho Chin Minh would control the north half, and Diem would rule the southern half.
  • Gulf Tonkin Incident

    Gulf Tonkin Incident
    Vietminh fires on the USS Maddox since it's above the 17th parallel. The US fired back and Vietminh declares war on the US.
  • Tet Offence

    Tet Offence
    Vietcong, Southern Vietnamese guerrillas who fight for the North, attack every major metropolitan center in South Vietnam on the Buddhist holiday of Tet. The Vietcong attack US bases in Danang and the American Embassy.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    US troops fire on women and children of the village of Mi Lai. Anywhere from 300-500 were killed. The US public became unhappy and the Lieutenant who gave the orders was declared guilty of murder.
  • Cambodia Campain

    Cambodia Campain
    The US and Southern Vietnamese troops invade Cambodia to halt the flow of supplies on the Ho Chi Minh trial. This angered many people who opposed the war and created protests and riots.
  • Pentagon Papers

    Pentagon Papers
    The Pentagon Papers was an overview of the history of the US government in Vietnam. It revealed a high level of deception and expanded the credibility gap.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    The US pulled out of South Vietnam leaving the Southern Vietnamese army to fight North Vietnam. Overtime, North Vietnam troops capture the city of Saigon, uniting Vietnam under a communist government.