Vietnam War

  • President Eisenhower speech - Domino Theory

    President Eisenhower speech - Domino Theory
    President Eisenhower's speech The thinking behind this theory was as the photo suggests, if Vietnam became a communist country it would influence other countries such as: Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India, Bangladesh, and many more to follow suit. The significance of this theory was that it was during the Cold War, and America wouldn't rest until the world was saved from communism.
  • Geneva Accords - North and South Vietnam

    Geneva Accords - North and South Vietnam
    Geneva Accords An agreement at the conference that split Vietnam into North and South Vietnam. The significance of the conventions was that it allowed America to use it's influence in South Vietnam to prevent Ho Chi Minh from establishing a communist Vietnam
  • First President of South Vietnam - Ngo Dinh Diem

    First President of South Vietnam - Ngo Dinh Diem
    Ngo Dinh Diem A Catholic made President of South Vietnam. While President he imprisoned and murdered hundreds of Buddhist Monks causing the U.S. to take away support. The significance of this was to prevent U.S. intervention in Vietnam.
  • Viet Cong is Established

    Viet Cong is Established
    Viet Cong The Viet Cong were formed, and also known as the National Liberation Front to be used to overthrow Ngo Dinh Diem. The group's significance is that it would stand to be the major aggressor in the south causing the U.S. entry into the war, and ultimately remain the enemy during the war while psychologically winning the war of the U.S. people.
  • Battle of Ap Bac

    Battle of Ap Bac
    Battle of Ap BacFirst major battle in Vietnam and major victory for the Viet Cong. The significance was increased presence and investment in Vietnam for the United States
  • Incident at the Gulf of Tonkin

    Incident at the Gulf of Tonkin
    Gulf of Tonkin Three North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked the U.S.S. Maddox resulting in a skirmish where all of the boats involved were damaged. This led the U.S. to the Tonkin Resolution, signed by President Johnson allowing the U.S. to assist in Southeastern Asian countries thought to be in danger of communist aggression.
  • Resolution to the Gulf of Tonkin

    Resolution to the Gulf of Tonkin
    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution This allowed for President Johnson to all necessary measures to "repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression." This significantly expanded the United States role in the Vietnamese war.
  • Attack on Camp Holloway

    Attack on Camp Holloway
    Attack on Camp Holloway An ambush attack and explosion of a barracks killing 23 Americans and 2 Viet Cong. Operation Flaming Dart was initiated in response to the attack, but had little effect. The Viet Cong significantly continued to use these guerrilla style tactics throughout the rest of the war.
  • Buddhist Monk sets himself on fire

    Buddhist Monk sets himself on fire
    The Burning Monk Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk Thích Quang Duc set himself to fire in Saigon to fight the oppression the Buddhists received from South Vietnam who were mainly Catholic. The significance of this was to bring the Vietnam conflict to the forefront of the average american person.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Tet Offensive On the Vietnamese New Year, traditionally observed as a ceasefire more than 70,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops in more than 100 different cities attacked U.S. and South Vietnamese troops. The attack was significant in that this was the beginning of the U.S. slow withdrawal from Vietnam.
  • The Massacre at My Lai

    The Massacre at My Lai
    My Lai 200-500 civilians in My Lai village were killed by U.S. troops after the order was given that all in the town were either Viet Cong or supporters of the Viet Cong. The significance of this was that the American people were lied to and soldiers were raping and mutilating the Vietnamese, and it had been covered up. Only one soldier would be tried for the crimes and would serve three years in jail.
  • Peace Movement gains momentum

    Peace Movement gains momentum
    Anti-War The largest anti-war protest in American history took place in Washington D.C. The significance was that the American people wanted troops to withdraw from Vietnam and were willing to fight for it.
  • Vietnam War ends

    Vietnam War ends
    The End of the Vietnam War The war was not truly over for the South Vietnamese, and would last two more years. The significance was that America had finally left Vietnam, and would no longer be assisting the south.
  • Paris Peace Accords and release of POW's

    Paris Peace Accords and release of POW's
    Paris Peace Accords The U.S., North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the Viet Cong sign an agreement to end the war in Vietnam. A significant ceasefire and U.S. troops to be withdrawn in 60 days.
  • Reunification of Vietnam

    Reunification of Vietnam
    Reunification of Vietnam has become a national holiday on April 30th in Vietnam and ended the split of North and South Vietnam creating the new Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The significance seemed as though the domino effect would begin.