Vietnam Era

  • Increased Commitment

    Increased Commitment effected the US and Vietnam and was a
    Political impact. The US at the end of 1968 had 500,000 and troops and lost 500,000- 1 million
  • Declaring Independence

    The declaring of Independence effected Vietnam, Japan.
    Ho-Chi Minh organized a revolt to end the french colonial rule and the Americans became suspicious.
  • The American Role Deepens

    This action was at home.
    President John F Kennedy continued Eisenhower policy of support for South Vietnam.
    South Vietnam government was becoming unpopular.
  • The First Indochina War

    This event involved France, Vietnam, and the US and this was abroad. The First Indochina War was a social impact. This was when Hon Chi Minh's forces steadily gained strength and popular support
  • Diem Assassination

    The Diem Assassination effected Vietnam and was a Social impact. This is when South Vietnam became very competitive.
  • Johnson Re Election

    This event involved the US. This action was at home.
    This was a social impact. Johnson made the US believe he would end the war
  • Napalm Agent Orange

    Napalm Agent Orange effected the Vietcong, US, and the Vietnamese. It Burst everything into flames and Destroyed everything in its path. This was a economic effect.
    Faught against Ho Chi Minh’s army
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident effected the Us and North Vietnam. This was Political impact. This causes US to commit to war and improved Presidential
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive effected US, Vietnam and was a Social impact
    This caused the Vietcong caused major loss in the war.
  • Election of 1968

    This event affected the US. This action was at home.
    This was one of the most chaotic elections.
    This was a social impact.
  • Vietnamization

    This event was at home and effected the US and Vietnam. This was a social impact. Victimization was when US troops slowly evacuated the war.
  • Caambodia

    This event effected the US, Vietnam and Cambodia and was a social impact and was at home. This is when the war spread and leads Cambodia to be an enemy.