
By zeeb
  • Munich Pact recall

    Munich Pact recall
    They recalled the Munich Pact of 1938, which was intended to appease Hitler but allowed for the continued aggression that led to World War 2
  • Japan surrendered

    Japan surrendered
    Japan surrendered to the allies and Vietnam declared it independence
  • French warships

    French warships
    in November French warships opened fire on the port city of Haiphong, killing some 6,000 Vietnamese civilians
  • Thousands of U.S soldiers dead

    Thousands of U.S soldiers dead
    By 1951 thousands of us soldiers had already died in Korea trying to halt the spread of communism.
  • Viet Minh launched a surprise attack.

    Viet Minh launched a surprise attack.
    In March 1954 Veit Minh launched a surprise attack on a large French military base at Dien Bien Phu, in the mountains of northern Vietnam
  • French and Viet Minh signed the Geneva Accords

    French and Viet Minh signed the Geneva Accords
    In July 1954 the French and Viet Minh signed the Geneva Accords. Under this agreement, the fighting stopped and Vietnam was split temporarily along the 17th parallel
  • Eisenhower warned

    Eisenhower warned
    on April 7 1954 Eisenhower warned that if Vietnam fell to communism, the rest of Southeast Asia would topple like a "row of dominoes."
  • Viet Minh overran the French

    Viet Minh overran the French
    On May 7 1954 the Viet Minh finally overran the French base ending in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu and shattering French morale.
  • Kennedy becomes president

    Kennedy becomes president
    Kennedy runs against Nixon and wins the presidency in in 1960 he is inaugurated in January of 1961
  • Viet Minh

    Viet Minh
    In 1960, the Viet Minh formed a group called the National Liberation Front and invited all opponents of Diem to join
  • Viet cong attack

    Viet cong attack
    February 7,1965, after the Viet Cong attacked a U.S. air base in the south