Vietnam Timeline

  • Vietnam declares Independence

    Vietnam declares Independence
    Vietnam declares Independence from France and is recognized as its own country by the United States and other countries.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    The Geneva Accords was put in place to stop conflict in southeast Asia and gave Vietnam along with other countries their independence. It also split Vietnam temporally in half until a formal election could be held. The elections never happened and the Vietnam Civil War started.
  • Eisenhower re-elected

    Eisenhower re-elected
    Eisenhower re-elected for a second term presidency.
  • Ho Chi Minh Trail

    Ho Chi Minh Trail
    Ho Chi Minh Trail begins being used to supply North Vietnamese military groups/
  • JFK Elected President

    JFK Elected President
    John F. Kennedy elected for his first term in presidential office.
  • National Liberation Front created in South Vietnam

    National Liberation Front created in South Vietnam
    Vietnamese political organization formed in South Vietnam. The group is also known as the Viet Cong and fought for the Communist North from inside South Vietnam.
  • Johnson becomes President

    Johnson becomes President
    Johnson becomes President after President JFK's assassination.
  • President Johnson re-elected

    President Johnson re-elected
    President Johnson re-elected after taking JFK's place for the rest of his term.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    An American boat was attacked by Vietnam ships in the Gulf of Tonkin
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was an agreement that allowed LBJ to send troops and other assets to Vietnam without declaring war.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder Begins

    Operation Rolling Thunder Begins
    Bombing runs in North Vietnam, deemed "Operation Rolling Thunder," start and last for over 3 years.
  • First US Ground Troops sent to Vietnam

    First US Ground Troops sent to Vietnam
    First United States ground troops sent to Vietnam to aid South Vietnam.
  • Nixon Elected President

    Nixon Elected President
    President Nixon is elected for his first term in office.
  • Viet Cong launch Tet Offensive

    Viet Cong launch Tet Offensive
    During the Vietnamese New Year known as Tet, the Viet Cong launch large-scale attacks against over 100 cities in South Vietnam.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    U.S. Troops brought by helicopter invaded My Lai and killed over 300 unarmed Vietnamese civilians. Including men, women, and the elderly.
  • Vietnamization

    Nixon starts a process he calls "Vietnamization" that slowly pulls out US troops while giving more responsibility to South Vietnam. [Year Only]
  • Largest Vietnam Protest in DC

    Largest Vietnam Protest in DC
    Vietnam Moratorium Committee stage largest protest in DC.
  • Kent State Incident

    Kent State Incident
    Four students killed by national guardsmen during ant-war protests at Kent University. [Year Only]
  • Nixon Orders Invasion of Cambodia

    Nixon Orders Invasion of Cambodia
    Nixon orders the invasion of Cambodia from where North Vietnam was sending there troops into South Vietnam from.
  • Paris Accords

    Paris Accords
    The Paris Accords was an agreement to establish peace in Vietnam as well as ending direct US military involvement. It also temporally made peace in Vietnam.
  • US Involvement In Vietnam War Ends

    US Involvement In Vietnam War Ends
    The last US ground troops pull out of Vietnam and US involvement in the Vietnam War ends.
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    The War Powers Act was put into place to balance congressional and presidential power. The law places a 90-day limit on troops in other countries without approval from congress.
  • South Vietnam Surrenders

    South Vietnam Surrenders
    South Vietnam surrender to the communist North Vietnam.