Vietman war

  • Ho Chi Minh

    a Vietnamese Communist and revolutionary leader who, throughout much of the twentieth century, sought to free his nation from colonial influence. He led Vietnamese insurgents against Japanese, French, and American occupying forces, as well as against rival factions of Vietnamese.
  • Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    French and nationalists were surrounded at these fortifications, marking turning point of war; both sides would then meet in Geneva to discuss peace
  • Assassination of Diem

    The death of Diem caused celebration among many people in South Vietnam, but also lead to political chaos in the nation. The United States subsequently became more heavily involved in Vietnam as it tried to stabilize the South Vietnamese government and beat back the communist rebels that were becoming an increasingly powerful threat. While the United States publicly disclaimed any knowledge of or participation in the planning of the coup that overthrew Diem.
  • Gulf of Tonkin incident

    After North Vietnamese gun boats assaulted American ships that were organizing air strikes and military moves, Johnson and his advisers drafted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution that committed the United States in Vietnam. It was passed by Congress and gave Johnson a "blank check," granting him full authority against North Vietnamese forces. This led to the increased U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
  • Tet Offensive

    The NLF and the North Vietnamese arm mounted a massive offensive against the South Vietnamese and American armies on January 31, 1968, which was also the first day of the Vietnamese New Year known as Têt. The nationalists successfully penetrated Saigon and took the United States embassy. After being told that the enemy was virtually defeated, the offensive showed that the nationalists were still capable of fighting and that the government had lied. Popularity for the war vastly declined.
  • the incursion into Cambodia

    1970, Nixon ordered troops into Cambodia to disrupt the Ho Chi Minh Trail and other supply lines used by North Vietnam, even though Cambodia was neutral. In 1970, he ordered air and ground strikes in Cambodia. This is the most controversial act of his to end the Vietnam War
  • the Paris Peace Accords

    1973 peace agreement between the United States, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Vietcong that effectively ended the Vietnam War.
  • the Fall of Saigon

    final assault of north vietnamese on south Vietnam's capital city in 1975; occasion of surrender of South Vietnam