VHS timeline 7.3

  • Period: 351 BCE to 337 BCE


    Cheif master of Han was in charge of creating the writing system and the language for the religion Legalism.
  • 338 BCE


    Legalism originated from the reforms of Shang Yang. The goal was to bring in weak religions and prosper them into strong ones.
  • Period: 246 BCE to 208 BCE


    The leader Han Fei prospered Legalism the most and made it popular in many ways.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 100


    Between these dates, there was a rise in Mahayana Buddhism.
  • Period: 500 to 1500


    There was a rise of devotion ever since the collapse of the Gupta Empire. This gave everyone the opportunity to believe and create their own religion.
  • 538


    Buddhism enters Japan from Korea.
  • 538


    When Shintoism arrived in Japan, believers from Buddhism converted or distinguished themselves from Buddhism because of personal and political issues.
  • Period: 538 to


    With their carefully connected begining in Japan's history, Shintoism and Buddhism keep growing of their have an impact on over the united states of America together, with lots of their shrines constructed withinside the equal precincts and households journeying each area of worship for specific purposes.
  • Period: 618 to 906


    The Tang Dynasty was the hit when it came to the Daoism religion growing. The people would argue and fight over either Buddhism or Daoism but in general, China took many religions so none of them were a specific religion for them.
  • Period: 768 to 824


    Han Yu argued his way into establishing Confucian learning into the religious culture. The religion spread more and more and Han Yu a forerunner of the Song Neo-Confucian Movement
  • Period: 1017 to 1073


    Zhou Dunyi prospered the religion and explained how he had an influence on this religion. He also spread this religion into Japanese culture.
  • 1199


    The demolition of Nalanda University. Also, there was the demise of Buddhism in India.
  • Period: 1500 to


    In this time period, Islam became more popular than Hinduism but Hinduism brought its religion back up and it started prospering.
  • Period: to


    The Ching Dynasty was basically the continuation of the Ming Dynasty. The goal of the Ching Dynasty was an era where they wanted Daoism to be more focused toward the entire society and their physical selves rather than be in their mental self. Their goal was to make people believe and engrave this religion into their daily lives and traditions.
  • Period: to


    In this period of years the "Chinese Cultural Revolution" occurred where many Deoism temples were destroyed. All the nuns and priests were sent to labor or were imprisoned. All these events affected the religion and the community by alot.
  • Confucianism

    On May 4, 1917, this movement tried to bring modernization to China but people that hung to old traditions like Confucianism were highly targeted.
  • Shintoism

    As World War II comes to an end, the Shinto state becomes temporarily banned because of the fact that Shintoism and its believers were basically the cause of the war.
  • Hinduism

    In 1992, the Hindus tore down the mosque of Ayodhya but that created tension within the believers which caused people who believed in Hinduism to convert to other religions.