US/Native American Interactions

  • Reservation Policy

    The reservation policy was trying to Americanize the Indians. It forced them to convert to christianity and cut their hair and be on definate plots of land. The plains Indians did not cooperate bu tthis wasnt a problem with the small population at the time.
  • Period: to

    U.S/Native American Relations

  • Trails of Tears

    Trails of Tears
    Included cherokee, creek, seminole, chickasaw and choctaw tribes.
    Indians were forced off of land they lived on because the U.S wanted to use it for cotton and becuase of "land hungry citizens". The U.S made the Native Americans walk to new land set aside for them. This walk led to the death of thousands of Native Americans.
    The significance of the event is that it showed that the U.S was okay with killing other humans that had been there longer then they themselves just for some land.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    The Mexican Cession was caused by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. It gave the U.S the California and New Mexico. These territories cost the U.S 15 million. The signifigance of the buying of this land was that it gave the U.S more land with Native Americans living on it. These Natives were put on to reservations eventually.
  • First Sioux War

    First Sioux War
    Sioux warriors killed 19 U.S soliders. This occured near fort laramie. Revenge was taken the next year when the U.S killed 100 Sioux Indians. This was the beginning of the Sioux Wars.
  • Comstock Lode

    Comstock Lode was a big discovery of gold and silver in Nevada. This discovery encouraged foreigners to settle to the area. It also increased the population were it was able to become a state. The increase in population beacuse of the comstock lode forced the indians out of the land.
  • McCoy/Abilene

    McCoy realized that he could make money selling cattlw to ship to Chicago. He built stockyards to sell his cattle at. This resulted in the sprouting up of other cow towns lining the railroads. It also cuts up the Indian territory and cuases trouble with the buffalo herds.
  • Chisholm Trail

    Chisholm Trail
    This trail named after Jesse Chisholm was used to get cattle to Abilene Kansas. The signifagance of this Trail was that it broke up the Indian territory by going striaght through it.
  • Homestead Act

    This act was to try and get people to settle on the Great Plains. They did this by offering 160 acres of land free if you farmed it for atleast 5 years.
    The signifigance of this is Act is that they based the Dawes Act off of it. The act encouraged setllement of white settlers forcing Navtive Americans off of there land.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The Transcontinental Railrod was built between 1863 and 1869. The railroad split up the Indian territory and also killed many buffalo by hitting them. They also encouraged people to shoot the buffalo out of the trains. The result of this was the end of the buffalo herd. This severly changed the life of the plains Indians.
  • Sand Creek Masacre

    Col. John Chivington was head of militia
    700 volunteer troops from the Colorado militia attacked Black Kettle's village killing around 120 Indians.
    The significance of this massacre was that the Indians that were killed were women and children. It was not just other soldiers. This created tension with Native American relations.
  • Barbed Wire

    Barbed Wire
    Was invented by Joeseph Glidden. Was used to fence in land on the plains becuase of the nonexistance of wood. This helped out the settlers on the plains by fencing out unwanted things like buffalo, Indians and cattle.
  • Second Sioux War

    These multiple battles were started by the dicscovery of gold in the balck hills in 1774. This created multiple battles. The leaders of the Native mericans were Crazy Horse and sitting bull. The leaders of the U.S troops were General William T. Sherman and General Philip H. Sheridan. These battles between Natives and Federal troop finally ended around 1990.
  • Little Big Horn

    The Indians defeated Custer's army. This made the U.S Amry really angry becuase the indians had defeated them. This created tension Between the U.S and the Native Americans becuase the U.S didnt want them to rebel and show any independence.
  • Nez Perce War

    Cheif Joeseph was the leader of the Nez Perce. He wanted to lead the Nez Perce to Canada. He wanted to do this so they wouldnt be put on reservations. The Nez Perce wanted to keep the land the had lived on for so long. The went to different tribes to look for allies. They had to fight and surrendered to the U.S.
  • Carlisle School

    Was a boarding shcool that was used to convert/ civilize Native Americans. The school changed the names of the natives in more civilzed names. They also made the natives cut their hair. They also tuaght the natives farming and many other skills that would be useful as Americans. The signifagance of this school was that it was trying to change the lifestyle of the future of the Natives.
  • End of The Buffalo Herds

    End of The Buffalo Herds
    The Buffalo heards were almost extinct by 1880. By over hunting which was encouraged by the U.S goverment. The extinction of the buffalo herds changed the lifestyle of the Indians living on the plains. It did this becuase there was no longer herds for them to follow and every part of their life was dependent on them. The end of the buffalo heard also drew the plains indians into reservations.
  • Century of Dishonor

    The Century of Dishonor is a book written by Helen Hunt Jackson. Which displayed the bad things done to the Native Americans. This book led to the founding of the Carlisle School. A way to Americanize Native American children. It changed the way the Americans looked at Natives and that we should treat them better.
  • Dawes Act

    This act was to try to destroy the Indian way of life. It was to try to civilize the Natives Americans. It split up the tribes and gave them max 160 acres depending on family size. It was similliar to the homestead act but not as lenient.
  • Ghost Dance Movement

    Ghost Dance Movement
    It was a dance that started out as a religon but then as time went on it was used for more war oriented purposes. It was when they got in a circle and held hands. The dance was supposed to make them invinsible agianst the whites. The ghost dnace was seen as a threat to Americans which in return created more tension and push for war on both sides of the fight.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Battle of Wounded Knee
    The battle started by an accidental shot fired. The Americans used this shot as an excuse to fight. They killed sitting bull as revenge for the killing of Custer. The battle ended up killing many women and children. The plains indians ended up surrendering. This surrender was the final event that showed the end of the Indian resistance. The Indians were forced to follow the Dawes Act.