
  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise made Missouri a slave state but territory above 36 and 30 degrees North.
  • Whigs

    The Whig party form the constitutional Union Party and they also try to improve tensions between the North and South. John Bell led the Whigs.
  • Compromise of 1850

    This compromise made California free, but the remaining land is decided by popular vote in the territory. This compromise undid the Missouri Compromise
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    This act is to enforce on runaway slaves. All citizens must help capture runaway slaves. Runaway slaves are to be arrested given no trial either.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The territory was divided into two states. Slavery was decided by popular vote. People went to Kansas to sway the voting. This act also makes two governments in Kansas which does not go well.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Proslavery men attack Lawarence, KS. A man named John Brown leads a group of abolitionsts and kills five proslavery men. This initiates other attacks. Due to these attacks, Kansas becomes a free state
  • Lincoln and Douglas Debate

    Lincoln and Douglas were both running for president and he was favored by the North and the South while Lincoln was only favored by the North.
  • Election of 1860

    Douglas and Lincoln were the more popular candidates. Douglas wins.
  • Election of 1860

    The runners are Lincoln,Douglas,Bell, and Breckenridge. Lincoln wins 60% of electoral votes. But Breckenridge won in the South.
  • States Seceeds from Union

    South Carolina is the first state to leave the Union and several states follow.
  • Civil War Begins

    Lincoln attempts to perserve Union but the South attacks Fort Sumpter and when Lincoln calls for 75,000 men that's when the Civil War offically begins
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation helped slaves and it also made the southern states loyal to the Union
  • 1863 Draft Law Passes

    This law creates riots and protests to break out. Lincoln suspends habeas corpus which means Union Soldiers have the right to arrest anyone who is "disloyal".
  • KKK

    The KKK was a secret society who tried to scare away the free slaves because they were taking all the white peoples' jobs.
  • More Amendments

    When Andrew Johnson took office he added a 13th amendment which ended slavery. Another amendment was that anyone born in the U.S. is a citizen. And the 15th amendment stated that all males have the right to vote
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. It occured five days later after General Robert E. Lee surrendered.
  • Industry Grows

    Mass production during the Civil War sparks growth. Immigrants flood to the U.S.
  • Families

    The low wages in factories forced both parents to work. This made children work. Children were working too much which caused child labor laws.
  • Society

    Many people move to urban centers because it is easier acces to goods.
  • The Environment

    The factories and mining pollution was ruining land. Soil eroison was caused by over farming.
  • Rise in Entrepreneurs

    Many risk-takers rise in the 1870s. There were also many investors and creators during this industry growth
  • Labor Movement

    Workers fueled the industry. Factories were not only a dangerous place to work but also the working conditions were poor and there was low wages for the workers.
  • Election of 1876

    Tilben and Rutherford B. Hayes were in the election of 1876. Tilben won the popular vote but Hayes still won the election by having a compromise. The compromise said that Hayes can be president if troops leave the South.
  • Strikes Form

    Railroads of 1877 was important because it led to violence and destruction and also prompted other violent strikes.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This Act prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the U.S. It also limited the rights of Chinese in the U.S.
  • Nativism

    This is the belief that native born immigrants were better than newcomers.
  • Haymarket Strike

    This Strike was because the hours of working were too long in a day so they wanted to get it cut to eight hours a day. This strike also had more violence, bombs, and more deaths.
  • Joseph Pulitzer

    He printed newspapers to spread the news and stir up controversy and publishes to a variety of readers.
  • Melting Pot

    This term is the blending of white nationalities into one big culture or society.
  • Assimilate to Society

    This term means that the natives wanted the immigrants to be more "Americanized". This was achieved by teaching English, how to dress, and how to eat.
  • Water and Sanitation

    The streets were filled with waste and trash. This was the breeding ground for an epidemic.
  • Expansion of Cities

    Many people who farmed moved to cities because of the amount of pay they got working in factories.
  • Jacob Riis

    He was a journalist who brought the horror of tenements to the public eye. His book was called "How the Other Half Lives".
  • Urbanization

    This term means that the cities increase and also the population increases. Many farmers move to the city.
  • Benefits of city life

    The benefits were more industry jobs, opportunites for women, better schools, and entertainment.
  • Problems of City life

    The problem living in the city was that many people had to live in tenements. This tenements was a place where multiple families could live. It was low cost and it was poor sanitations and ventilation was terrible.
  • Government Steps In

    The government wanted to find cleaner water supply and create a filtration system so that the workers can have clean water to drink.
  • Homestead Strike

    This strike caused wages to be cut and the publics opinion on the Union were now turning because the Union was too far with this strike
  • Retail Stores form

    Name Brand products are more recognized and have distinct logos and people all over the the country demand name brands.
  • Consumerism

    The economy has more money, more products, and lower prices.
  • Conspicuous Consumerism

    This term means that the demand for new products increases.
  • Culture

    Americans are becoming more and more alike.
  • Education

    Public education rapidly expands. Kindergarten helps woking families because no one can watch them while the parents are working. Highschools taught industry and business and there is a rise a college education.
  • Mass Culture

    This term means that Americans have common goods at values found throughout their households.