US/VA Jones Timeline

  • Jamestown

    was founded in 1607. First english settlement
  • House Of Burgesses

    House Of Burgesses
    First elected assembly. Still operates today, but is known as the General Assembly
  • Start Of Slavery

    Start Of Slavery
    Slaves were used all over the world. They were also different races, and used for working for others.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    a document that stated you were to obey the laws. it pledged loyalty to god as well as the king.
  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    was against the English and French. Both wanted the land weast of the Applachain and in Canada
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    this prohibited colonists from going west of the applachain and in canda because troops couldnt afford to protect them from the indians. this angered colonists
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    this imposed taxes on colonists to pay for troops and war debts
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    englan put restrictions on tea, and closed the boston harbor . boston went under martial law
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    this was when colonists and british soldiers fought against one another, and 5 colonists died
  • 1st continental congress

    1st continental congress
    meeting of representitives for all 13 colonies and the first time all 13 acted as one it was in philadelphia and urged colonies to start miltias
  • lexington and concord

    lexington and concord
    British groups attacked colonial weapons stockpile minutemen assembled and war broke out
  • 2nd continental congress

    2nd continental congress
    this created the continental arm , andGeorge Washington was the leader
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    written by thomas jefferson it was issued by continental congress
  • The Treaty Of Paris

    The Treaty Of Paris
    England acknowledged american independence. The united States then had boundaries at the atlantic ocean to the Mississippi River
  • Articles Of Confederation

    Articles Of Confederation
    was a weak government and was the first government
  • Critical Period

    Critical Period
    This was the period the US was under the Articles Of Confederation
  • Treaty Of Paris

    Treaty Of Paris
    Treaty that officially ended the Revolutionary War , was signed in Paris by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. Under the terms of the treaty, Britain recognized the independent nation of the United States of America.
  • Land Ordiance of 1785

    Land Ordiance of 1785
    Established a plan for surveying Western Iands
  • Annapolis Convention

    Annapolis Convention
    This was called to settle disputes between states, but only 5 showed up
  • Northwest Ordiance Of 1787

    Northwest Ordiance Of 1787
    Allowed permission for new states
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    This ridden farmers in Massachusettes due to high taxes
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Was in Philadelphia and George Washington and James Madison were leaders
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    this created a 2-house congress ; the senate and house of represenatives
  • 3/5ths Compromise

    3/5ths Compromise
    Slaves counted as 3/5 humans so the big states would ger more votes
  • Judicary Act Of 1787

    Judicary Act Of 1787
    this is what set up the court system
  • Bill Of Rights Signed

    Bill Of Rights Signed
    Was written by James Madison and was favored by Anti-Federalists
  • Washington's Presidency

    Washington's Presidency
    He was the first president
  • Adam's Presidency

    Adam's Presidency
    He was a federalists He also defeated Jefferson who was a Democratic Republic
  • Jefferson's Presidency

    Jefferson's Presidency
    Jefferson defeated Adams this go round , He also a Democratic-Republic
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Was invention by Eli Whitney and increased the cotton growing and its industry
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    This included land of Mississippi river to the Rocky Mountains
  • Marybury vs. Madison

    Marybury vs. Madison
    Marshall declared a law unconstiutional in this case, and this established the judicary review
  • War Of 1812

    War Of 1812
    the causes were British interferance with American shipping and thier help to aid indians
  • McCulloh vs. Maryland

    McCulloh vs. Maryland
    Marshall upheld the federal gov'ts right to establish a bank and said a state couldnt tax a bank
  • Gibbons vs.Ogden

    Gibbons vs.Ogden
    The court overturned the stateboats and this comfirmed the federal gov'ts powers
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This divided LA purchase and made North free of slaves and South wasn't
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    This was by president Monroe, and Europe against future colonization in the America's and interferance with any independent state in the west
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    made it easier for southern slave owners to recapture slaves that had escaped to the north
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    Book by Harriet Beecher Stowe , it portrayed the evils of slavery. increased support in the north for abolition
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    Overturned the missouri compromise by allowing slavery north of 36,30 outraged northerners
  • Dred Scot Case

    Dred Scot Case
    a slave named dred scot sued for freedom after being taken into free territory by his owner. the supreme court ruled that african americans arent citizens so he had no right to sue. congress had no right to ban slavery in the territories. the case overturned efforts to limit the spread of slavery
  • Abrahams Electrion

    Abrahams Electrion
    seven stated seceded in respinse to his election , they feared that he would abolish slavery, they creaded tje confederate states of american . ( jefferson davis was president )
  • Reservtion System

    Reservtion System
    indians were forced off their lands onto smaller and smaller reservations
  • Battle Of Fort Sumter

    Battle Of Fort Sumter
    fort sumter was in south carolina but it remained under union (northern) ccontrol. confederatest fired on union ships that were there to resupply fort sumter . was the first battle of the civil war
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    law that have free public land in the west in 160 acres plot only condition was settlers had to use it for at least 5 years. the purpose was to encourage americans to settle in the west.
  • Gettysburg

    lee pushed north into pennsylvania , it was a three day battle and lee had to retreat. he lost 28000 in the south. this was the turning point of the war
  • Appromattox Courthouse

    Appromattox Courthouse
    Lee surrendered , he urged southerners to accept surrender and untie as americans
  • Reconstruction

    restoring sourthern states to the union , determining the position of african americans. the southh was devastated , farms, railroads and factories destroyed. their confederate money was worthless. towns and stuff they were the poorest section in the us. the north was strong and growing industrial economy .
  • old immigrants

    old immigrants
    northern and western europe including germany , great britain, ireland, norway, and sweden
  • New Immigrants

    New Immigrants
    Southern and eastern europe included : italy, greece, poland, russia , hungary, yugoslavia . In asia , it was china and japan
  • Election Of 1876

    Election Of 1876
    republicans - rutherford b.hayes , democrat - samuel J. tilden it disputed elction results.
  • The Compromise of 1877

    The Compromise of 1877
    deal between southern democrats and northern republicaans . hayes would be president and republicans would end military occupation of south . reconstruction ended and the white supreme was restored
  • Assimilation Policy

    Assimilation Policy
    plan under which indians would be forced to adopt american culture.
  • Chinese Exlusion Act

    Chinese Exlusion Act
    banned entry of almost all chinese
  • American Federation of Labor

    American Federation of Labor
    founder : samuel gampers . an alliance of trade and craft unions
  • Haymarket Square

    Haymarket Square
    K of L. protest in Chicago , bombs went off near police. 8 strikers convicted
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Americanize the indians, broke up reservations and diided them into individual plots . it legally abolished tribes
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    by pullman railroad workers started nationwide RR boycott . federal government ended it
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    s.c said " seperate but equal" did not violate the 14th amendment . it upheld jim crow laws of segregation
  • Spanish American War

    the cubans rebelled against spanish rule, the united states had business and strategic interests in cuba.. yellow journalism and american ship uss maine exploded outside in cuba
  • Treaty Of Paris

    United States annexed Puetro Rico , Guam , And Phillipines and cuba became free
  • Knights of labor

    Knights of labor
    founder uriah stevens ,
  • American Railroad union

    American Railroad union
    Founder Eugene V. Duds . railroad workers . industrial union skilled and unskilled workers. from one industry
  • Platt Amendment

    the united states asserted the right to intervene in cuban affairs ,
  • Open Door Policy

    by secretary of state john hay , gave all nations equal trading rights in china.. it also called for fair competition the goal was to end united states and european competition . it urged foreigners to obey chinese laws
  • Boxer Rebellion

    chinese boxers , the goal was to remove foreign influence but it failed
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    an amendment to the U.S. constitution, ratified in 1913, authorizing Congress to levy a tax on incomes.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    an amendment to the U.S. constitution, ratified in 1913, providing for the election of two U.S. senators from each state by popular vote and for a term of six years.
  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act

    Clayton Anti-Trust Act
    Expanded Shermans Anti-trust act , outlawed price fixing exempt unions from sherman act
  • Panama Canal

    TR encourgaged panama to break from columbia and it suceded panama gave the untied states the right to build a canal , the canal wash finished in 1914 and it connected the atlantic and pacific
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    TR added to the monroe doctoring , it reminded europe not to interfere it also sai dthat the US would use force to protect its interests in latin America
  • World War I

  • Progressive Movement

    Progressive Movement
    Used the government the reforms to fix problems caused by industrailization
  • US enters WWI

  • Fourteen Points

    Wilsons peace plan , it was to eliminate the cause of war.
  • Federal Trade Commission Act

    Federal Trade Commission Act
    Created FTC , investigates business practices
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    an amendment to the U.S. constitution, ratified in 1920, guaranteeing women the right to vote.
  • Immigration Restriction Act

    Immigration Restriction Act
    put a quota of how many immigrants could come from each contry. allowed more from old immigrants areas than new immigrants areas. it ended immigrants for several decades
  • Sherman Ani-Trust Act

    Sherman Ani-Trust Act
    prevented any business structre that restrained trade. the goal was to outlaw trusts( monopolies) which failed
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    believed in rugged individualism , called for more individual effort. he was against direct government to the needy , he favored a limited government and he didnt do much as a president
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    time of severe economic hardship in the u.s. from 1929-1942
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    horrible drought on the great plains
  • CIO

    new union
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    stock market crash
  • Susan B Anthony

    Susan B Anthony
    Leader of The Woman Suffrage Movement ,
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    it was roosevelts plan to deal with the depression , he had three different typres of programs relief , reform and recovery , his other programs included the wagner act , social security act and the fair labor act.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    promised a new deal, rallied a frightened nation, he also quoted "we have nothing to fear, but fear itself."
  • FDIC

    Federal Deposit Insurance Cooperation , it insures bank deposits and regulate banks
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    buggest New Deal program , it provides safe guards for workers , disablility and unemployment compensation , old age pensions
  • Wagne Act

    Wagne Act
    protected workers right to form unions and engage in collective
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    set a maximum work hours and minimum wages
  • Non- Aggression Pact

    Stalin and Hitler agree not to attack eachother
  • Non- Aggression Pact

    Stalin and hitler agreed not to attack eachother
  • Nuremberg trails

    post war trials of nazis for war armies in the holocaust . many were convicted , emphasized individual responsibility regardless of orders. it led to increaded calls for a jewih homeland
  • War in Europe Begins

    germany invaded polan from the west in september and the soviet union invaded polan from the east and the Baltic countried. France and Britain finally declared war on Germany to stop more german expansion
  • War in Europe Begins

    Germany invaded Poland from the west in Septl. 1939 , soviet union invaded poland fromeast and the baltic countries.France and britain declared final war on germany to stop germany expansion
  • Germany Invades Russia

    germany turned on the soviet union and invaded them in mid-1941
  • Us Declares War

    FDR request to declare war on japan after the bombing at the pearl harbor
  • Selective Service Act WWII

    5 million volunteers and after the selective service act the military drafted about 10 million men
  • Pearl Harbor

    suprise air attack , targeted US naval base . crushed U.Ss pacific fleet thousands die fdr stated the date that will live in infamy
  • Korematsu v Us

    Supreme court allowed internments camps for the japanese .
  • D-Day

    the allies landed in germany occ\upied france. it was led by eisenhower they faced heavy casualities. the invasion was very successful and it also began liberatoon of western europe
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    uneasy peace after WW11 marked by rivarly between the US and the Soviet Union . Lasting from 1945 to 1991
  • Division Of Germany

    soviet union had eastern and central eruope ( communist ), west germany was under the us, british and the french ( democratic )
  • Hiroshima A-Bomb

    japanese cities , truman used atomic bombs againsted them , they had countless deaths. truman decided to do that instead of losing counless americans in an invasion of japan
  • Nagasaki A-Bomb

    japanese cities , truman used atomic bombs againsted them , they had countless deaths. truman decided to do that instead of losing counless americans in an invasion of japan
  • Marshall Plan

    massive us financial aid package to rebuild economics, the goal was to prevent communism.
  • Berlin Airlift

    The soviets blockaded west berlin , and the us flew over their supplies
  • Battle of the Bulge

    german counter offensive , the allies soon recovered
  • V-E Day

    allies from west and soviet union from east overran germany. germany surrendered
  • Korean War

    divided north and south korea into communist and democratic , the us led the united nations force to aid south korea.
  • Miracle Of Midway

    The us navy beat a large japanese force. it iended the threat to hawaii
  • NATO

    North atllantic treaty organization . it was a defensive alliance among the us and western european countried the main goal was to prevent a soviet invasion of wetern europe
  • Warsaw Pact

    alliance between the soviet union and eastern european countries
  • Communist takeover of china

    loyalty review board , they investigated govt workers for disloyalty , the house unamerican activity committee targeted mostly hollywood;. they had spy trials such as alger hiss , julius and ethel rosenbergs. and also senator joseph mccarthy
  • Eisenhower

    presudebt during the cold war, declared the massive retaliation which was where the us would use an all out nuclear attack to totally destroy the soviets if they attacked with nukes
  • U2 Incident

    Francis gary power was shot down while spying over the soviet union
  • Sputnik

    the soviets launched sputnik into space
  • Juilius and Ethel Rosenberg

    gave atomic secrets to the soviets and were electrocuted
  • JFK

    JFK'S inauguration "ask not" the us would "pay any price etc"
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    the soviets stationed nuclear missiles i cuba , JFK demanded their removal and blockaded cuba. the world was close to nuclear war for many days and the soviets blinked and removed their missiles
  • Berlin Wall

    between east and west berlin
  • JFK Assassination

    dallas tx, was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald , it began the period of internal strike
  • Election of 1968

    Election of president Richard Nixon
  • Moscow Summit

    nixon and soviet leader brehnev signed the salt treaty which was strategic arms imitation talks and it limited productions of nukes
  • Nixons presidency

    nixon visitied china trying to get them on the us side,the moscow summit he met with soviet leader Brezhnev and sighned the SALT treaty , and also the de'tente that was a temporary thaw in the cold war tension
  • Nixon In China

    exploring the rift between china and the soviets , he hoped to get china on the US side.
  • End of the Vietnam War

    the last us troops left/ vietnamization failed
  • Watergate Scandal

    5 men from nixons reelection committee got caught breaking into demogratic campaign headquarters/ Nixon Tried to vober up his involvement
  • OPEC

    raised oil prices
  • Panama Canal Treaty

    carter gave control to panama
  • Carter's Presidency

    worsening economy , and also foreign affairs. and many more things
  • Camp Davids Accord

    peace talks between egypt and israel
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    52 americans were taken hostage in Iran
  • De'tente

    temporary thaw in cold war tension
  • Reagan's Berlin Wall Speech

    "Mr.Gorbachev tear down this wall"
  • Raegans Presidency

    he conserved comestic politics , he pressured the soviet unions .
  • Soviet Union Collaspes

    into russia and 14 other countried , they adopted a market economy and democradcy like the us