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US/VA Davis Timeline

  • Period: to

    World History 2 Timeline

  • Jamestown

    James town was formed by the Virginia Company of London. This was the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    Was the first legislative assembly of elected representatives in North America. The hpuse of Burgesses was created by the Virginia Company of London.
  • Start of Slavery

    Start of Slavery
    Slavery was a gradual growth, with the start of endentured Southern and Caribbean plantations required many workers.
  • Mayflower compact

    Mayflower compact
    The Mayflower was a document where they agreed to obey laws created for the general good, pledged loyalty to god and the king. created a "covenant community" a community based on the promises found in the Mayflower Compact.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The french and indian war was between England and the american colonies and France and the american indians. Both countries wanted the land west of the appalachians and in canada, leading to war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    England gained the land west of the appalachians and in canada from france.
  • Proclomation of 1763

    Proclomation of 1763
    England prohibited colonists from settling west of the appalachians. Because it cost too much to protectr the colonists from the indians and any left over french.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    the stamp act placed a tax on legal documents newspapers magazines and any other type of paper used in the colonies
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British soldiers shot and killed five colonists and injured six others. Colonists made this event to be a "massacre" to make the british look bad.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    England put restrictions on trade. colonists boarded tea ships in boston and threw tea into the water.
  • First Continental congress

    First Continental congress
    Was a meeting in Philadelphia of representatives from all thirteen colonies except georgia. This meeting issue a statement of colonial rights urged colonies form a molitia.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Created the continental congress, George washington was the general. issued the "olive branch petition" it was the final peace offer that was rejected.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    British troops attacked a colonial weapons stockpile, minutemen assembled. Fighting errupted and was the first skirmish of the war.
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    an agreement among the 13 founding states that established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution
  • Decleration of independence

    Decleration of independence
    Issued by the Continental congress, written by Thomas Jefferson. The colonies officially seperated from england.
  • Yorktown

    French general Marquis de Lafayette developed a plan to block the exit of the chesapeake bay. American and French surround Cornwallis/ the British, and Cornwallis surrendered.
  • Critical period

    Critical period
    the newly independent former colonies were beset with a wide array of foreign and domestic problems
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    England awknowledged American independence. the united states boundries were the atlantic ocean to Misissippi River.
  • Land Ordiance of 1785

    Land Ordiance of 1785
    This established a plan for surveying the land west of the Appalachians.
  • Shay's rebellion

    Shay's rebellion
    Debt ridden farmers in Massachusetts rebel due to high taxes.
  • Annapolis convention

    Annapolis convention
    this called to settle disputes among states over commerce, only five states showed up. THey decided to hold another meeting to revise.
  • Judicary Act of 1787

    Judicary Act of 1787
    THe judiciary actof 1787 set up America's court systems.
  • 3/5ths Compromise

    3/5ths Compromise
    Made a compromise with slav states, so thatslaves counted as 3/5 of a person when determining a state's representation in house of representatives.
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    The Great Compromise created a two house senate; in senate each state gets two senators, in house of reprensentatives the representation is based off of population.
  • Constitutional convention

    Constitutional convention
    Was meant to revise the articles of confederation, but created two plans; the Virginia plan and th New jersey plan.
  • Northwest ordiance 1787

    Northwest ordiance 1787
    created the process of for the creation and admission of new states.
  • Signing of the Bill of Rights

    Signing of the Bill of Rights
    The first ten ammendments, deals with rights and liberties.
  • Washington's Presidency

    Washington's Presidency
    Washington's presidency started April 30 1789 and ended in March 4 1797
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney and made growing cotton more profitable.
  • Adam's presidency

    Adam's presidency
    Adam's was originally Thomas Jefferson's vice president and then waselected in March of 1797
  • Jefferson's presidency

    Jefferson's presidency
    Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Lousiana purchase was bought from France, and it doubled the sizeof the US. including the mississippi river to the Rocky Mountains.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    In thiscase, Marshall declared a law unconstitutional; established the power of judicial review.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The british interference with American ships was the cause, and the british aid to the indians in the west.
  • McCulloch vs. Maryland

    McCulloch vs. Maryland
    Marshall upheld the federal governments right to establish a bank, said the state couldnt tax the bank due to National supremacy.
  • old immigrants

    old immigrants
    Old immigrants came from northern or western Europe.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    DIvidied the Lousiana Purchase at 36° 30' north of the line was free, while south of the line were slave states. The missouri compromise admited maine as a fee state, Missouri as a slave state and it maintained balance of slave and free states.
  • Gibbons vs. ogden

    Gibbons vs. ogden
    The court overturned a steamboat monapoly; confirmed the federal governments power of commerce.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    This document warned Europe against future colonization in the Americas and any interference in any independent countrie in North or south america will be viewed as acts of aggression.
  • Uncle Tom's cabin

    Uncle Tom's cabin
    A book showing the reality of a slave's life. It was said to help fuel abolitionists.
  • Dred Scott case

    Dred Scott case
    African americans, slave or not did not have the right to sue.
  • Reservation system

    Reservation system
    Indians were forced off their lands and onto smaller and smaller reservations.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    This election was between Abraham Lincoln and John C Brekinbridge. when lincoln was elected it led to states seceeding and the outbreak of the civil war.
  • Battle of fort sumter

    Battle of fort sumter
    First battle of the civil war, in south carolina. Confederates fired on union ships that were there to resupply Fort Sumter.
  • Homestead act

    Homestead act
    The government would give people land in the west as long as they liveed there for at least six years
  • Battle of antietam

    Battle of antietam
    Lee went to the north for this battle and lost at Antietiam Md. The main effect was lincoln issuing the emancipation proclamation.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The proclamation freed any slaves in the "rebelling" states.
  • Battle of vicksburg

    Battle of vicksburg
    Grant wins the battle in Mississippi. This cut the confederacy in half.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    This battle was a turning point in the war when lee pushed north into pensylvania, Lee had to retreat
  • 13 ammendment

    13 ammendment
    The thirteenth ammendment abolishes slavery in any american states.
  • Reconstruction

    The act of reconstructing the south after the Civil War.
  • Appomattox court house

    Appomattox court house
    The final battle before Lee surrendered to the Union. Lee urged southerners to accept surrender and unite as americans.
  • Lincons assasination

    Lincons assasination
    lincoln was assasinated five days after robert e lee had surrendered to the north. lincoln was assasinated by john wilkes booth.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    in this speech Lincoln is dedicating the cemetery. The war was a struggle to preserve the nation that was dedicated to the idea that all men are creted equal. based on a government of the people by the people and for the people.
  • Reconstruction act of 1867

    Reconstruction act of 1867
    the reconstruction act of 1867 put the south under military occupation.
  • 14 ammendment

    14 ammendment
    the fourteenth ammendment prohibites states from denying equal rights to any american citizen. Gave citizenship to african americans.
  • New immigrants

    New immigrants
    New immigrants typically came from eastern Europe and Southern Europe, they typically came for economic opprotunities due to industrial growth.
  • 15 ammendment

    15 ammendment
    the fifteenth ammendment gave voting rights to african americans.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    Jim Crow laws esatablished seperate facilities for whites and blacks.
  • Election of 1867

    Election of 1867
    In the election of 1867 the rebulican candidate was Rutherford b Hayes, and the democratic candidate was Samuel J Tilden. the results for the electio were disputed.
  • Chinese exclusion act 1882

    Chinese exclusion act 1882
    THis act prohibited the immigration of any chinese, it was soon revised to just suspend the immigration of the chinese.
  • Assimilation process

    Assimilation process
    the process in which ones culture, language, and habits come to represent another.
  • Knights of labor

    Knights of labor
    Was one of the largest and most important labor organizations in the late 1800s. Was founded by Uriah Stevens.
  • american federation of labor

    american federation of labor
    The american federation of labor was an alliance of labor unions.
  • Haymarket square

    Haymarket square
    The haymarket square riot started off as a peaceful strike but ended in a bombing.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Broke up reservations and divided them into individual plots, and legally abolished tribes. This was in the attempt to Americanize the Indians.
  • Sherman-anti trust act

    Sherman-anti trust act
    The sherman anti trust act helps prevent the creation of a monopoly.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    This strike was at Carneige steel plant and was a major gun battle. The plant manager Henry Frick called the Pinkerton detective agency.
  • American Railway union

    American Railway union
    Was the largest labor union of its time, and one of the first industrial unions in the U.S. The founder was Eugene V Debs.
  • Plessey V Ferguson 1896

    Plessey V Ferguson 1896
    Supreme Court said that seperate but equal did not violate the fourteenth ammendment.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    By the chinese "boxers", goal was to remove foreign influence, it failed.
  • Spanish American war

    Spanish American war
    The Cubans rebelled against spanish rule. The US entered the war because they had business and strategic interests in cuba. The US defeated the Spanish in the Phillippines and in Cuba.
  • Treaty of Paris 1898

    Treaty of Paris 1898
    U.S. annexed Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines, and Cuba became free.
  • Immigration restriction act

    Immigration restriction act
    THe immigration restriction act limited immigration to america and allowed for the deportation of immigrants.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    The U.S assertedthe right to intervene in Cuban affairs
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    TR added to the Monroe doctrine,reminded Europe not to interfere, said U.S would use force to protect its interest in Latin america
  • Susan B anthony

    Susan B anthony
    Susan b Anthony was a very prominent woman's sufferage influence, she fought for womens rights and wanted to be treated equally.
  • Open door policy

    Open door policy
    Created by Jon Hay gave all nations equal trading rights in china, called for fair competition.
  • 16 amendment

    16 amendment
    Congress has the power to tax
  • Great migration

    Great migration
    The period from 1910-30 when many African americans moved from rural south to northern cities.
  • 17 amendment

    17 amendment
    the seventeenth amendment allows citizens to directly ellect a senator.
  • Korematsu V US

    Korematsu V US
    The supreme court case in which the US deemed the internment of Japanese Americans constitutional.
  • Federal commission act

    Federal commission act
    an act againsts trusts and trust busting
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    TR encouraged Panama to break from Columbia, and Panama gave the US rights to build a canal.
  • WWI

    US went to war because of German submerine warfare, on US ships bound for england. The zimmerman tellegram suggested german/ mexican alliance against the US.
  • US enters WWI

    US enters WWI
    At President Wilson's request, the goal was to make the world saafe for democracy, the US joined the Allies.
  • Clayton anti trust act

    Clayton anti trust act
    the clayton antitrust act helped further explain and back up the sherman antitrust act.
  • 14 Points

    14 Points
    Wilson's peace plan key ideas were, self determination, freedom of the sea, a mandate system, and the League of nations.
  • 18th Ammendment

    18th Ammendment
    Banned the use of alcohol, making the production and sale illegal.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Punishment of Germany, war guilt cause, they had to pay reparations, and they couldn't have an army.
  • 19 amendment

    19 amendment
    The nineteenth amendment gives women the right to vote
  • Progressive movement

    Progressive movement
    The progressive movement was a period of social activism and political reform.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    The explosion of black intellectual and cultural life.
  • Non aggression pact

    Non aggression pact
    a pact in which stalin(soviet union) and hitler(germany) agree not to attack each other.
  • Scopes trial

    Scopes trial
    John scopes was tried for teaching evolution , trial sparked a national debate over evoution.
  • Cio

    a new union
  • Hoover

    Hoover believed in rugged individualism, called for more individual effort, and he favored limited government. Hoover was elected in 1928 and was not very popular.
  • FDIC

    a US government corporation acting as an indipendent agency
  • Great depression

    Great depression
    When businesses failed and the stock market crashed and unemployment became widespread.
  • Black tuesday

    Black tuesday
    The crash if th stock market,caused by the overspeculation, and excessive expansion of credit.
  • Dust bowl

    Dust bowl
    THe dust bowl was a horribledrought on the great plains.
  • Franklin Roosevelt Inaugeration

    Franklin Roosevelt Inaugeration
    he campaigned "We have nothing to fear but fer itself"
  • New deal

    New deal
    This was FDR's program to deal with the great depression; relief, recovery, reforms.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    provided safe guards for workers, disability and unemployment compensation, old-age pensions.
  • Wagner act

    Wagner act
    protected workers rights to form unions and to engage in collective bargaining.
  • Fair Labor Standards act

    Fair Labor Standards act
    This act set the maximum work hours and it set minimum wage.
  • WWII

    The final cause of the war was when Germany invaded poland from the west and the Soviet union invaded from the east, and France and Britian finally declared war in germany to stop German expansion.
  • Germany invades Russia

    Germany invades Russia
    Germany finally turned aginst the Soviet union and invaded Russia mid-1941
  • US declares war

    US declares war
    Congress declares war at Frankli Roosevelts request, Germany joins Japan against the US.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    a surprise japanese air attack on an american naval base, "a date that will live in infamy"
  • Miracle of midway

    Miracle of midway
    The us navy defeated a larger naval force, this ended the threat to Hawaii
  • Selective Service act

    Selective Service act
    This system drafted 10 million men into the military after the decleration of war
  • D-day

    Invasion led by eisenhower in which they landed in Germany occupied france, this began the liberation of Western Europe.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    This was a German counter offense, however the allies soon recovered.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The uneasy peace after WWII, marked by a rivalry between the united states and the Soviet Union
  • VE day

    VE day
    When the allies from the west and Soviet union from the east, over ran germany, Germany surrendered.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Truman used atomic bombs against Japanese cities, the japanese soon surrendered
  • Nuremberg trials

    Nuremberg trials
    These were the post war trials of naziz for war crimes in the holocaust, they emphasized indiviual responsibilities regarless of orders
  • Division of Germany

    Division of Germany
    Germany split into Democratic Western Germany, and Communist Eastern Germany.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The massive financial aid package to rebuild europes economies.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Soviets blockaded West Berlin, so the US flew in supplies
  • Communist take over China

    Communist take over China
    The new communist leader was mao zedong, the US increased fear of communist world domination.
  • NATO

    The north Atlantic Treaty Organization, a defense alliance amongthe US and Western European countries, the main goal was to prevent the spread of communism
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Because of a divided Korea; Communist north Korea and Democratic South Korea, the war ended in a stalemate
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
    They gave atomic secrets to the Soviet union, they were electrocuted
  • Warsaw pact

    Warsaw pact
    The alliance between the soviet union and eastern European countries
  • Sputnik

    The Russians launched sputnik during the space race with america.
  • u2 incident

    u2 incident
    Francis Gary Powers was shot down while spying over the soviet union.
  • JFK innauguration

    JFK innauguration
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
  • Cuban missile Crisis

    Cuban missile Crisis
    The soviets stationed nuclear missles in cuba pointed toward the US
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    Kennedy was shot and killed in Texas while riding with his wife and the texas governer and his wife in an open back convertable.