US timeline from 1800-1850

  • Period: to

    US timeline from 1800-1850

  • US population in 1800

    5.3 million
  • third president

    third president
    Thomas Jefferson became president
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Ohio
  • Slave importation was banned

    Thomas Jefferson signs "The Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807"
  • fourth president

    fourth president
    James Madison became president
  • US population in 1810

    7.3 million
  • New State

    the United States gained Louisiana
  • second Bank of the US

    Second Bank of the United States was the second federally authorized National Bank in the United States
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Indiana
  • fifth president

    fifth president
    James Monroe became president
  • Construction begins on the Erie Canal

    Construction begins on the Erie Canal in Rome
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Mississippi
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Illinois
  • treaty with spain

    The United States made a treaty with Spain to gain Florida
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Alabama
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise involving primarily the regulation of slavery in the western territories.
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Maine
  • US populatiojn in 1820

    9.6 million
  • The Santa Fe Trail

    The Santa Fe Trail pioneered in 1821 by William Becknell, it served as a hghway for commercial and military needs
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Missouri
  • "Monroe Doctrine" was made

    President James Monroe introduces the "Monroe Doctrine" stating that if European attempts to recolonize the Americas would be considered a hostile act towards the United States.
  • sixth president

    sixth president
    John Quincy Adams became president
  • Tariff of 1828

    The Tariff of 1828 was a protective tariff passed by the Congress to protect industry in the northern United States
  • seventh president

    seventh president
    Andrew Jackson became president
  • the Indian Removal Act

    the Indian Removal Act was passed to position on Indian removal, and to gain more land
  • US population in 1830

    12.9 million
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion was a slave rebellion which was the highest number of murders caused by any slave in the South
  • renewal of the Bank of the US

    A bill to renew and modify the charter of the Bank of the United States.
  • The Texas Revolution

    The Texas Revolution was conflict between the government of Mexico and Texas colonists, and throughout that Texas gained the Republic of Texas
  • famous siege

    The Mexican Army battle for the Alamo and the Texans kill approximately 650 Mexican soldiers.
  • eight president

    eight president
    Martin Van Buren became president
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Michigan
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Arkansas
  • the trail of tears

    the forced removal of 15,000-17,000 Cherokee Indians from Georgia on the "Trail of Tears"
  • US population in 1840

    17 million
  • ninth president

    ninth president
    William Henry Harrison became president
  • tenth president

    tenth president
    John Tyler became president
  • The Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail was officially started for fur trappers and traders
  • eleventh president

    eleventh president
    James K. Polk became president
  • potato famine

    Ireland's "Potato Famine" results in an influx of Irish immigrants to the United States
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Florida
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Texas
  • the Mexican War

    the Mexican War was started because Mexico believed that the land rightfully taken by Texas, was theirs. This then started a war between Mexico and the US
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Iowa
  • the Mexican war ended

    After two years of war between Mexico and America, the war was settled and the war was over
  • New State

    The US gained the state of Wisconsin
  • twelfth president

    twelfth president
    Zachary Taylor became president
  • US population in 1850

    23.2 million
  • New State

    The US gained the state of California