Underwater fish in hawaii jy067 350a

U.S. Imperilisim: Hawaii

By Hawaii
  • Prodestant Missionaries Arrive

    Prodestant Missionaries Arrive
    Prodestant missionaries arrive in Hawaii to christanise Hawaiian people and later on their descendants ended up making money for Dole fruit.
  • The First American Warships Arrive in Hawaii

    The First American Warships Arrive in Hawaii
    The U.S. warship Dolphin, commanded by Lt. John Percival, arrives on January 16. It is the first American warship to visit Honolulu.
  • Cathlic Missionaries Arrive

    Cathlic Missionaries Arrive
    Catholic missionaries arrive to catholicized people in Hawaii.
  • U.S. Exploring

    U.S. Exploring
    U.S.expedition, with Commodore Charles Wilkes commanding the U.S. sloop of war Vincennes, arrives in Hawaii on September 23.
  • U.S.A. can Trade

    U.S.A. can Trade
    A reciprocity treaty is signed on January 30, allowing sugar and other products to enter the United States without customs duties.
  • Americans Overthrew Hawaii

    Americans Overthrew Hawaii
    American colonist who controlled most of Hawaii's economy overthrew Hawaiian kingdom in a peaceful yet contreversial coop.
  • Hawaii Gets a Flag

    Hawaii Gets a Flag
    Hawaii's flag gets replaced with U.S. stars and stripes.
  • Hawaii belongs to the U.S.

    Hawaii belongs to the U.S.
    Hawaii offically becomes a U.S. territory.
  • Hawaii Becomes a State

    Hawaii Becomes a State
    Hawaii becmoes a state.