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US History II 1876-1900

  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The Great Railroad Strike
    Due to cut in rail line worker's pay, a strike spread like wild fire across northeast America. This strike shut down the rail lines meaning it also shut down America.
  • Farmers' Alliance first organized

    Farmers' Alliance first organized
    Because of the increase in price drops and the incurring debt, Texas agrarians met and organized the first Farmers' Alliance.
  • Bison numbers left at only a few hundred

    Bison numbers left at only a few hundred
    Due to the great bison slaughter during the 1870's, the ten million of Bison's numbers were lowered to only a few hundred.
  • Knights of Labor have ever-growing success

    Knights of Labor have ever-growing success
    Due to the failure of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, the Knights of Labor, a union, began to see increased memberships.
  • Period: to

    Farmers' Alliance Cooperative programs

    As a way to negotiate for higher crop prices and lower prices for the goods the farmers bought, Farmers' Alliance Cooperative programs were set in place.
  • Dawes General Allotment Act passes by Congress

    Dawes General Allotment Act passes by Congress
    This act turned Indian reservations into individual family households and gave land to individuals.
  • The Wealthiest owned twenty-five percent of America

    The Wealthiest owned twenty-five percent of America
    The top one percent of America owned a fourth of all of America's assets. The wealth gap is ever-growing.
  • Populist party was created

    Populist party was created
    As a way to also get a hand in the door politically, the Farmers' Alliance established the Populist Party, also known as the People's party.
  • Gold Standard Act enacted

    Gold Standard Act enacted
    This act basically put America's economy and currency value on the Gold Standard which then ended the debate over America's monetary policy.