us history

  • 1st Quartering Act

    1st Quartering Act
    The 1st Quartering Act made it so the colonists had to house the British soldiers in barracks. Many of the soldiers also had to stay in local inns and such due to not having enough room in the barracks for every soldier. The locals had no choice but to allow the soldiers to fill the places up. The colonists did not enjoy this because they had to share their homes as well as help out soldiers they feared.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    The Townshend Acts made all goods have to be taxed as well as most things being indirectly taxed. Colonists did not agree with this act because they believed it went against their rights and it further enraged them more than the Stamp act. The Britains thought that the American colonists would have preferred this act but that backfired, resulting in the colonists to boycott British goods.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre happened because while a Britain guard, White, was posted outside the Custom House, colonists began to harass him and beat him which led to him calling for reinforcement. As more reinforcement came to help guard, colonists harassed the group as well, throwing snowballs at them, hitting them with clubs, and throwing rocks. A soldier heard someone yell "fire" and shot which led to all of the other soldiers shooting and that led to a bloody mess.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party took place because the American colonist's were angry with Britains for putting a tax on tea. The colonists believed that Britain was using "taxation without representation" because the tax was put in place to save the British East India Company. This led to the Boston Tea Party which was the colonists taking 342 boxes of tea, from the British East India Company, and dumping the boxes overboard into the harbor.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The Tea Act was set in place to reinforce a tea tax in the American Colonies. This tax was meant to allow the British East India Co. to have a monopoly on the tea trade and not allow the American colonists to buy tea from any other source, only be able to trade from this company, and only be allowed to use their ships for deliveries. The colonists hated the act due bro them believing it was giving validation to the Townshend Act.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The battle of Lexington and Concord was the start to the Revolutionary War. The goal of the battle was to take Samuel Adams and John Hancock captive so that they were able to destroy and taken any weapons as well as ammunition that the Americans had. This war came to be by the Britains hearing word that the militias seemed to be preparing to take action against them which made them believe seizing the weapons would be best.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    This declaration happened because colonists nationally decided on wanting a controlled government and to be able to choose who is in it. The Declaration of Independence claims that everyone is equal and that you have your own rights and everyone must abide by those rights. It also claimed that most of the power of the govt. comes from the civilians themselves. The Declaration came to be, because everyone was tired of being mistreated and wanted a government they could trust.