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US History 9.08 DBA Replacement Assignment

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    The Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War was fought on Spanish held colonies such as Cuba, Guam, the Philippines and Puerto Rico. The colonies were handed over to the US when the war was over to the US. However the Cubans would not allow themselves to be governed by the US and declared themselves independent.
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    World War I

    World War I began with the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The war was fought between the Triple Alliance: Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary and the Triple Entente: Britain, France, and Russia; later joined by the United States.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was cause by the misuse of credit, many people were out buying things that they could simply not afford. This caused the stock market to crash and created a time economic unrest for the US. The Great Depression began to wane off at the beginning of WWII.
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    The Holocaust was the genocide of the Jews living in German occupied countries. Hitler believed that the Jews were an undesirable race and wanted them exterminated.
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    World War II

    The Second World War began with the German invasion of Poland. Also occuring within German occupied terrotories was a purge of all Jews known as the Holocaust. This was fought by the Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan and the Allied Powers: Britain, France, the US, and Russia. This war caused the US and Russia to emerge as the world's newest superpowers.
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    The Cold War

    The Cold War was not really a war at all. It was a competition between the two superpowers of the worl the USSR and the US, both had nuclear weapons and both had the most powerful armies in the world. instead of fighting each other head on and possible starting a nuclear war they fought each other on other battlefields such as in Vietnam. The war was really about stopping the spread of Communism for the US and stopping the spread of Democracy for the USSR.
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    Korean War

    The Korean War was first war in which the US and USSR helped opposing sides during the Cold War. The North Koreans were communists and were supported by non other than the USSR while the South was Democratic and supported by the US. The war ended in a stalemate and resulted in the creation of two seperate nations.
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    Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War was another way the US fought against the spread of Communism. However the US failed in their efforts in Vietnam. Also the American population was majorly against being involved in the Vietnam War.