US History 2018

  • Period: 1550 to

    Transatlantic slave trade

    The transatlantic slave trade was a trade route from the Americas to Europe to Africa and back again. It was very bad because it enslaved millions of Africans out of their homes and into harsh work. Americans used slaves to harvest raw materials and send it to Europe for them to manufacture. Then the manufactured materials are sent to Africa to trade for slaves then sent back to America
  • Jamestown

    In April of 1607 three ships sailed from England to South Virginia where they settled there, but they were attacked by Indians so that they moved upward to Jamestown. Jamestown had a very bad winter because the natives were forcing them to stay in there for and they couldn't come out so they had to eat whatever they could.
  • Jamestown

    In April of 1607 three ships sailed from England to South Virginia where they settled there, but they were attacked by Indians so that they moved upward to Jamestown. Jamestown had a very bad winter because the natives were forcing them to stay in there for and they couldn't come out so they had to eat whatever they could.
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    The revolutionary war

    The Revolutionary War was a war between the American colonies and Great Britain for American independence.The 13 colonies did not like the way they were being treated by the British people so they wanted to rebel and start their own, American colonies did not like how they were being taxed by the British.The 13 colonies fought against the British and won and decided to create their own independent country.
  • George Washington as a leader

    George Washington was in office from April 30, 1789 to March 4, 1797 and served for two terms as the president and was the first president of the United States. George Washington who was also a surveyor the British militia in the French and Indian War And commander and chief in the American Revolution. He had led many men in to many battle in the Revolution
  • John Adams

    john Adams was the president of the united states of America from March 4, 1797 – March 4, 1801, and were the second president to do so. John Adams was a leader in the American Revolution. John Adams served as a diplomat in Europe during the American Revolution and helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris. John Adams was also the first vice president of the united states under george washington.
  • Thomas jefferson

    Thomas Jerfferson was the third president of the united states of America and served from March 4, 1801 to March 4, 1809.Thomas Jefferson was also at the vice president for John Adams who was the second President of the United States of America. Thomas Jefferson was also one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence. And during the Revolutionary War I'll miss Jefferson was the state legislator of Virginia.
  • James Madison

    James Madison was the 4 president of the United States and he served from March 4, 1809 to March 4, 1817. James Madison composed the first drafts of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson founded the Democratic-Republican Party. he also oversaw the Louisiana Purchase from the French in 1803.
  • James Monroe

    James Monroe was the Fifth president of the United States and served his term from March 4, 1817 to March 4, 1825, to march 4, 1825. He oversaw major westward expansion of the U.S. he strengthened American foreign policy in 1823.
  • the Missouri Compromise

    Maine asked to join the Union as a free state, but at the same time, Missouri wanted to become a slave state. This lead to the Missouri Compromise which made the Missouri lateral line the line between slave states and free states. It allowed the northern states to have to be free states but the southern states to be able to choose if they want to be a slave state or not, this made the north very angry an want a change.
    chapter 9 section 2 of TCI
  • Compromise of 1850

    The compromise of 1850 was made by Henry Clay and it was established to make California a free state. This made the northerners very happy, but also made the rest of the area to split into two different sections called the Utah territory and the New Mexico territory. It opened both to slavery which pleased the southerners, it ended slavery in Washington DC but allowed the slaveholders to keep their slaves there. The Compromise of 1850 also included a strong Fugitive Slave Law.
    Ch 9 sec 3 of TCI
  • Period: to


    Sharecropping is a type of farming in which African American families rent small plots of land from a landowner in return for a small amount of their crop. Sharecropping normally led to great debt for the African Americans because they needed to pay for supplies that they didn't have. This made it to where the portion that they needed to give to the landowner kept growing and growing on top of each other.
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    The civil War

    The Civil War was a war between Southern Confederate states and then Northern Union states to try and get the Confederate States back into the Union.The Confederate States broke off of the Union because the union tried to stop slavery but the confederate states wanted slavery. The Union won and abolished slavery in all states creating fair and equal country
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    Elis Island

    Elis island Immigrants were tagged with information from the ship's registry and passed through long lines for medical and legal inspections to determine if they were fit for entry into the United States. Elis island also documented over 12 million people.
  • The Ford car creation

    Henry Ford was an amazing man because he found a way how to make an affordable car for anyone. In 1908 Henry Ford built a car called the Model T and it was $850, it was a game changer when it came out because it aloud people to start living is suburbs and drive to work in stead of having to live in tiny tenants
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdanand

    On June 28th, 1914 the Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie Duchess of Hohenberg, were killed by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo. A group called the black man was a rebellious group and wanted to overthrow the Austria-Hungary empire. He was killed in his car and started a war but many countries had alliances which than caused WWI.
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    USA in WWI

    The United States was neutral for most of the mar until a cargo ship was sunk and cause the US to join the war. the United States of America join WWI on April 16, 1917, in an alliance with the British, French and the Russian. The USA was led by General John J. Pershing who lead approximately 4 million people into war.
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    Causes of WWII

    World War II was caused by the Treaty of Versailles that was created at the end of World War I. It took all of Germany's colonies away from them and let the rest of you're up to keep their calling it also cost Germany $40 billion and put them in a great state of debt. The Treaty also took away most of Germany's army and factories please remember. then Hitler Rose to power to rebel against all other nations and their orders.
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    America in WWII

    America joined into World War II when they were bombed by the Japanese in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and 2 Days Later declared war on Japan and Germany. America was a large supplier in medical supplies and weaponry to the allies but also what is one of the leading roles in D-Day.
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    The cold war

    The Cold War was between America in Russia and was caused when America took action stop communist power in the world. Russia was taking away are there countries freedom and making them communist show America retaliated and tried to stop this from happening. During the Cold War Russia was able to create the atomic bomb and caused a threat to the US and its cities. Also during the Cold War the Space Race accord and caused a big feud.
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    the Vietnam war

    America went to countries to try and stop communism from spreading to those countries so America went to Vietnam but when America got there the northern Vietnamese did not want American soldiers there so they created a war. The war was very gruesome Causing 58,000 Americans to di20 yearsFrom1955 to 1975
  • Period: to

    War on terror