US History 1700-1800

  • First Comprehensive Slave Code Passed by the House of Burgesses in Virginia

  • Benjamin Franklin Born

    He was born in Boston, Massachusetts to Josiah Franklin and Abiah Folger.
  • Slave Rebellion in New York City

    This rebellion ended with the deaths of nine white colonists and the execution or suicide of twenty-seven slaves.
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    The Yamasee War

    The Yamasee, one of the closest trading partners of the Carolina's, started a surprise war. The Yamasee were initially successful, even coming within miles of Charles Town. A crucial alliance with the Cherokee saved the colony from destruction.
  • Arrival of Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia

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    Great Awakening

    It was the largest religious revival that had occurred in America up to that time. It began in the church of congregationalist Jonathan Edwards. It eventually spread to most other denominations, including the Presbyterians, Baptists, and Methodists.
  • The Walking Purchase of 1737 Enacted in Pennsylvania

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    George Whitfield Travels Throughout the Colonies Preaching

  • Stono Rebellion

    The Stono Rebellion was a slave revolt that occurred in South Carolina. On a Sunday, while the masters were at church, a mob of slaves marched towards the Florida-Georgia border in hopes of reaching Fort Mose, which was a free black settlement near the border. The rebellion was unsuccessful when militias beat the rebels in battle, capturing or killing most of the rebellious slaves.
  • Planned Slave Rebellion Uncovered in New York City

    The threat of rebellion in New York City caused a panic that led to a witch hunt. The witch hunt ended with the deaths of thirty-two black men and five poor white men. Many other individuals were deported to the sugar plantations of the West Indies.
  • A force of British Militia and Native Americans, Led by George Washington, Killed a French Diplomate

    This act sparked what would become a world wide conflict known as the Seven Years War
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    French and Indian War(Seven Years War)

    This war stated in North America but turned into a world wide conflict. The initial war was between the English and the French, but became a war that raged across all of Europe and the world.
  • Albany Congress Meets in Albany, New York

    This congress met to discuss the French and Indian War. Benjamin Franklin proposed that the colonies unite and form a coordinated defense system across the continent. This plan was ultimately rejected, but it did show the increased unity between the thirteen Colonies.
  • Failed Attack of General Braddock’s on Fort Duquesne

  • War in Europe Begins

    The war in began with the English allied Frederick II of Prussia invading the neutral province of Saxony. In retaliation, a coalition of French, Austrian, Russian, and Swedish forces invade Prussia and a few other German states allied with Prussia.
  • French Forces Burn the British Fort William Henry

  • Failed Attack of General Abercrombie on Fort Carillon (Ticonderoga)

  • The French Fort of Louisbourg, in Present-day Nova Scotia, Falls to the British

  • The British Defeated the French in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    Outside Quebec City, the British general James Wolfe defeated French general Louis-Joseph de Montcalm in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham.
  • British Conquer Quebec

  • The British Capture of Montreal

  • King George III Took the Crown

  • Neolin Received his vision

    Neolin, and Indian prophet, received a vision from the main god of his religion. The god told him to start a revolt against the British or else they would never reach heaven. One of his disciples was Pontiac, an Ottawa leader.
  • The Peace Treaty of Paris

    The treaties gave the British Canada and most of French North America.
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    Pontiac's War

    This war consisted of different attacks on British forts and settlement by independent Native American tribes.
  • Royal Proclamation of 1763 Issued by the British Crown

    This proclamation set the Appalachian Mountains as the Western border of English settlement in the Colonies.
  • Sugar Act of 1764

    This act was designed to raise revenue for the British Empire by taxing sugar and molasses.
  • Currency Act

    This act passed by parliament restricted the printing of paper money in the American colonies
  • Stamp Act Passed by Parliament

    This act required that legal documents be printed with stamp. The stamp showed that the duty on the document had been payed.
  • Virginia Resolves Passed by the House of Burgesses

    These resolves protested the Stamp Act and other unjust taxes. The colonists claimed that they had all the rights and privileges of British citizens, yet were not being treated as such. The Virginia Resolves were printed throughout the colonies and led to the Stamp Act Congress and other forms of protest.
  • Stamp Act Congress Mets in New York City

    This Congress met to discuss how the colonies should respond to the Stamp Act. They eventually issued a “Declaration of Rights and Grievances.” The declaration pledged loyalty to the king and what loyalty was due to Parliament, but pushed the idea that the colonists had the same rights as British citizens.
  • Parliament passes the Declaratory Act

    This act stated that had the right to pass laws over the colonies and to tax the colonies.
  • Parliament Repeals the Stamp Act

  • Townshend Acts passed

  • Boston Massacre

    A crowd gathered outside the Boston customs house. The mob was throwing snowballs, insults, and bricks at the sentry outside the building. Several soldiers came to the sentries aid. After some confusion, the soldiers fired on the mob and killed five Bostonians.
  • Townshend Acts Repealed

  • Tea Act

  • Regulating Act Passed by Parliament

  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists despised as Indians raided three ships sitting Boston Harbor. The colonists dumped the tea upon the ships into the bay.
  • Boston Port Act

    This act closed the Boston Port from trade.
  • Massachusetts Government Act

    This act suspended Massachusetts right to govern itself.
  • Administration Justice Act

    This act gave the Massachusetts governor the right to send rebellious colonists for trial in England.
  • Quartering Act

    This act forced colonists to house British soldiers in their homes.
  • Quebec Act

    This act enlarged the Province of Quebec, passed Catholic religious reforms, and denied the right to elect legislative bodies.
  • First Continental Congress

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The first battle of the American Revolution.
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    American Revolution

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    Siege of Boston

  • Second Continental Congress

  • "Olive Branch Petition" Arrives in England

  • Common Sense first printed in Philadelphia

  • Americans Win the Siege of Boston

  • Declaration of Independence Approved by Congress

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    American War of Independence

  • British Forces Arrive in New York City

  • George Washington's Midnight Crossing of the Delaware river

  • George Washington wins Battle of Trenton, New Jersey

  • Philadelphia Falls to the British

  • Americans Win the Battle of Saratoga

  • Articles of Confederation Ratified

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    Americans Spend Winter in Valley Forge

  • French Join the American Fight For Independence

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    Battle of Yorktown

  • Treaty of Paris Signed

  • George Washington Resigned Position as Commander-In-Chief of the Continental Army

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    Shay's Rebellion

    This rebellion demonstrated the weakness of the Article of Confederation.
  • United States Constitution Ratified

  • Delaware Becomes a State

    Delaware became the first state when it ratified the United States Constitution in December of 1787.
  • Pennsylvania Becomes a State

  • New Jersey

  • Georgia Becomes a State

  • Connecticut Becomes a State

  • Massachusetts Becomes a State

  • Maryland Becomes a State

  • South Carolina Becomes a State

  • New Hampshire Becomes a State

  • Virginia Becomes a State

  • New York Becomes a State

  • George Washington Sworn in as the First President of the United States

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    George Washington's Presidency

  • North Carolina Becomes a State

  • Rhode Island Becomes a State

  • Vermont Becomes a State

  • Bill of Rights Added to the Constitution of the United States

  • Jeffersonian Republican Party/Democratic-Republican Party Formed

  • Kentucky Becomes a State

  • Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin Invented

  • Period: to

    Whiskey Rebellion

  • Jay Treaty

  • Tennessee Becomes a State

  • Period: to

    John Adams Presidency

  • Thomas Jefferson Elected President