US Development

  • Proclamation of Neatrality

    Proclamation of Neatrality
    This was a statement made by george washington declaring the america stay neutral in all foreign affairs
  • Period: to

    XYZ Affair

    The french sent three diplomats to america to make demands and this was seen as an act of war eventually titled the Quasi-war
  • Convention of 1800

    Convention of 1800
    this was a meeting between the U.S. and the french settling everything that happened during the Quasi-war
  • Loisiana Purchase

    Loisiana Purchase
    this was the purchase of the louisiana by america from the french
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    This made all and any exports from america illegal
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    This was a war fought between great britain and the U.S.
  • Treaty of ghent

    Treaty of ghent
    This was The treaty that ended the War of 1812
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    This stated that any farther attemts by europe to claim land in america would be seen as an act of war