U.S 1 LJ final

  • industrial revolution

    It was when the factories came around and made everything easier for the north
  • George washington

    George washington
    the first president of the United States
  • Eli Whitney

    he invented the cotton gin
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    the cotton gin took the seeds out the cotton it was made in 1793
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    the whiskey rebellion was important because it was the first time washington had to deal with a problem in the conutry. the whiskey rebellion was the farmers rebellion when the tax went up on whiskey.
  • samuel F.B Mores

    samuel F.B Mores
    He was the first demonstrated his telegraph
  • Jonh Adams

    Jonh Adams
    He was the second president of the U.S.A. He was elected president in 1796.
  • Marbury V Madison

    Marbury V Madison
    It was one of the biggest judicail debates in history. It showed that no one is above the law of the constitution.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas was a writer and he was the third president of the United States he also wrote the Declaration of Independence
  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    It was a giant land sale that doubled the land of the U.S.A. it was purchased in 1803.
  • james madison

    he was the 4th president of the U.S.A he was president from 1809-1817
  • war of 1812

    the U.S.A won the war aganst the british in the war of 1812
  • francis scott key

    francis scott key
    He made the national anthem. he is famous for making the national anthem.
  • james monroe

    he was the 5th president of the U.S.A he was elected in 1816
  • missouri compromise

    It was a treaty that stopped a war
  • john quincy adams

    john quincy adams
    He was the 6th president of the U.S.A he was president in 1825
  • Erie canal

    It was finished in 1825 it made a safe was to get to the app mountains and trade
  • andrew jackson

    andrew jackson
    he was the 7th president of the u.s.a
  • trial of tears

    it was the most painful thing in native amiercan history the indians walked for miles most of them died on this trial
  • martin van buren

    martin van buren
    he was the 8th president of the U.S.A
  • panic of 1837

    it is when the U.S.A had a resestion
  • lone star republic

    it was all the people who lived in the battle of the alamo
  • william henry harrison

    william henry harrison
    he was the 9th president he was the first one ever to be killed in office
  • john tyler

    he was the 10th president he was from 1841 to 45
  • james k polk

    james k polk
    he was 11th president of the united states
  • zachary taylor

    zachary taylor
    he was the 12th president of the untied states he was preisdent in year 1849 to 1850
  • battle of the alamo

    battle of the alamo
    it was a great battle in the mexican and american war by the end of the war there were five americans left fighting
  • indian removal act

    to take all the indians from there land and put them some were eles
  • mexican american war

    it was the war between the mexicans and the americans