United States History

  • Period: to

    Unitied States History

  • The Great Awakening 1

    The Great Awakening 1
    *The Great Awakening was an unorganized, but widespread movement of evangelical Christian sermons and church meetings. *The Great Awakening brought the colonists together. It also gave all people a feeling of acceptance and spiritual equality. The Great Awakening also made the colonists question the British authority.
  • The Great Awakening 2

    The Great Awakening 2
    *The reason the Great Awakening started was to make colonists more religious. Many church leaders in England were scared that the colonists' dedication to their religion was declining. They sent Misistersto hold revivals in the colonies. This started the sparks for the Great Awakening. *The colonists took the Great Awakening very seriously. They held outdoor sermons where Ministers from different colonies would talk about the economy, culture, and trade.
  • The Great Awakening 3

    The Great Awakening 3
    • The Great Awakening led to the demand for political equality from the British.
  • The French and Indian War 2

    The French and Indian War  2
    *In 1768, the British took control of any of the French's fort called Fort Duquesne and they renamed it Fort Pitt. *As a result of the war, the British owed a lot of money.
    • Turning the war, seven colonies sent delegates to Albany, New York to discuss ways of cooperating in a time of crisis. However, they were rebuffed
  • The French and Indian War. 1

    The French and Indian War. 1
    *1754-1768 *The French and Indian War started because the French built three forts in the Ohio Vally. When the British asked them to leave, the French ignored them. The British wanted that land and the French and Indian War began. *This event is important because it led to the Proclamation of 1763. After the war, the colonists started to rebell and they began to cross the Appalachian Mountains.
  • The Proclamation of 1763 1

    The Proclamation of 1763  1
    • The Proclamation of 1763 was written to stop the colonist from moving into the Indian's land and causing more bloodshed at the frontier. The colonist’s acts of rebellion started to concern the British government. To have more control over the colonies, Britain wrote the Proclamation that stated that the colonist could not pass the Appalachian Mountains.
    • Many colonist hated the Proclamation and ignored it. Explorers continued to explore and the ruled were forgotten
  • The Proclamation of 1763 2

    The Proclamation of 1763 2
    • The Proclamation and the colonists reaction showed that the colonists and the British had a different idea of what was best for the colonies
    *The Proclamation of 1763 led to the Sugar Act.
  • The Sugar Act 1

    The Sugar Act  1
    • The Sugar Act started because the British needed money after the French and Indian War.
    *The British legislative branch called the Parliament searched ship for illegal sugar and made merchants keep a list of all trading goods.
    • This taxation upset the colonists. They started to boycott. The merchants hoped that the boycotting would hurt Britain’s economy and that they would remove the Sugar Acts.
  • The Sugar Act 2

    The Sugar Act 2
    *It ended when a Prime Minister of the Parliament named Grenville asked the colonists if they had a better plan to pay Britain’s debt. When the colonists failed to propose any worthy plan, the Parliament came up with the Stamp Act. *The Sugar Act is important because it was the first Act that shocked the colonists and made them upset at the Parliament . It also raised money to pay of the military debt through taxing the colonists.
  • The Stamp Act 1

    The Stamp Act 1
    • The Stamp Act started when the colonist failed to suggest any suitable ways to pay off the military. Grenville proposed the Stamp Act instead of the Sugar Act.
    • The Stamp Act made all colonist buy an official stamp whenever they bought paper items.
    • The British were the ones selling the stamps.
  • The Stamp Act 2

    The Stamp Act  2
    *The colonist saw the Stamp Act as the first law that directly taxed the colonists. They started protesting. The Son of Liberty attacked tax collectors
    • The Parliament removed the Stamp Act in March 1766. This was because of a man named William Pitt, who convinced the Parliament to remove the act.
    *The Stamp Act led to more taxes because the Parliament wanted to prove to the colonists that they do not make the rules.
  • The Stamp Act 3

    The Stamp Act 3
    *It was important because like all Acts, it upsetted the colonists and brought them one more step closer to rebellion. It later led to more tension between the British and the colonists. These Acts also made people think that it was not fair to tax without any representation.
  • The Townshend Act 1

    The Townshend Act 1
    *The Townshend Act started to raise money to pay off the military from the French and Indian War. *The Townshend Act placed duties on imported glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea.
    • The British used special search warrants that tax collector could use to search for smuggle goods. This enforced the Townshend Act.
    *The colonists thought it took power away from the colonial court so they started to boycott it
  • The Townshend Act 2

    The Townshend Act 2
    • It ended when House of Commons called repeal of the Townshend Act on the fifth of March 1770.
    • It led to the arrival of more British soldiers.
    *The Townshend Act was important because it paid some of the debt from the French and Indian War. It was mostly important because the tension was rising between the colonies and England because of all the Acts. If the Townshend Act had not been passed by the Parliament ,then the Boston Massacre would have never happened .
  • The Tea Party 1

    The Tea Party 1
    *The Tea Act kept in placed duties on imported tea and allowed the British East India Company to export tea directly to the states. In other words, the colonists could only buy their tea from this English company. *It started when tensions between Britain and the colonies cooled down. However, the British created the Tea Act to show the colonists that England had all the power and were still in control.
  • The Tea Act 2

    The Tea Act  2
    *In responses, the colonists boycotted, made propaganda, held the Boston Tea Party, and destroyed tea shipments in some colonies.
    * The British passed the Intolerable Act .
    • The Tea Act led to the Boston Tea Party and The Intolerable Act.
  • The Tea Act 3

    The Tea Act 3
    *This event was important because it created the final spark to the revolutionary movement in Boston. After this Act, the Boston Tea Party was created in Boston Harbor. After the Boston Tea Party creation , the Parliament passed the Intolerable Act which closed the Boston harbor. This affected Boston economy. This Act may have also help start the Revolutionary War.
  • The Boston Massacre1

    The Boston Massacre1
    *The Boston Massacre started when the tension between the colonist and British exploded. A mob of angry colonists were threatening a group of British soldiers. *During this event, five colonists were killed, which included Samuel Maverick.
    • The British were nervous when they shot their guns and they insisted that they did not mean to hurt anyone.
    *Samuel Adam and other protesters used this "incident" to support their view against the British.
  • The Boston Massacre 2

    The Boston Massacre 2
    • This led to more tension between the colonists and the British.
    • The Boston Massacre was important because it helped the protesters lure more colonists into being against the British. It also started more rebellions through-out the colonies.
  • The Boston Tea Party 1

    The Boston Tea Party 1
    • The Boston Tea Party was a group of colonists disguised as Indians that dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into the sea
    • It started because the colonists were angry at Britain for taxing all the tea.
  • The Boston Tea Party 2

    The Boston Tea Party 2
    • When three cargo ships arrived at the Boston Harbor, the Sons of Liberty demanded that they leave immediately with all their cargo. The ships stayed in the harbor for months, while the captains decided on whether they should stay or leave. However on a November day in 1773, the Son of Liberty attacked the ships and dumped all the tea into the sea.
    • The colonist celebrated this event and were very pleased by the Sons of Liberty's acts.
  • The Boston Tea Party 3

    The Boston Tea Party 3
    • However, the British were outraged.
    *This event led to the Intolerable Acts. *The Boston Tea Party is important as it was one of the first acts of rebellion from the colonists.
  • The Intolerable Act 1

    The Intolerable Act  1
    • It started because the British were upset with the colonist for creating the Boston Tea Party.
    • The Intolerable Acts closed the Boston Harbor, canceled Massachusetts' charters, moved the colonial officials to Britain, and gave Canada control of the Ohio region.
    *In reaction to the Intolerable Act, the colonists boycott, published propaganda and convened the first Continental Congress.
  • The Intolerable Act 2

    The Intolerable Act   2
    • It end when the Parliament repealed the act in 1778.
    • It led to the thought of declaring independence from England and to the Revolutionary War.
    • It was important because it was the last Act that colonist could accept before they went to war. In other words, the colonists had had enough of the Parliament's rules but the Intolerable Acts was too much for the colonists to stand around and do nothing.
  • The Battle of Lexington/Concord 1

    The Battle of Lexington/Concord  1
    *It started when the British were preparing to attack the Minutemen and take their weapons. *Paul Revere and William Pawes warn the Minutemen that British were coming.
    • At the Battle of Lexington, the British killed eight colonists and wounded ten. The rest of the Minutemen fled into a near-by forest.
    • While in Lexington, the British searched for weapons, but did not find any. However, they did set many buildings on fire
  • The Battle of Lexington/Concord 2

    The Battle of Lexington/Concord  2
    • After the Battle of Lexington, the British marched to Concord and were defeated by the Minutemen. However, the Red Coats were able to retreat.
    • These battles led to the first victory against the British in the Revolutionary War.
    • It was important because it was the first battle of the Revolutionary War
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill 1

    The Battle of Bunker Hill  1
    *It started when the colonists soldiers captured Bunker and Breed Hill while the British were sleeping.
    • This was one of the many battles that the colonists fought to win their independence.
    *The Redcoats mounted a frontal assault against the colonists.
    • It is called the battle of Bunker Hill, but most of the fighting took place on Breed Hill.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill 2

    The Battle of Bunker Hill  2
    • The colonists lost to the British, however the Battle of Bunker Hill was a moral victory for the colonists.
    • The British won this battle, but lost 1,000 men. I believe that this could have greatly hurt the British army.
    • It was an important event because it proved that the colonists could withstand attacks from the Britain's army.
  • Common Sense 1

    Common Sense 1
    *It started when Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense that changed America's history.
    • The document argued that the colonies should break free from Britain's control. It stated that monarchy was wrong and that the colonists should be ruled by a government that the people chose.
    • King George was offended by the way Thomas Paine disrespected his name in "The Common Sense"
  • Common Sense 2

    Common Sense 2
    • The colonists bought about 500,000 copies.
    *It was important because it changed the colonists attitude toward Britain.This document was also important because it triggered the colonists to stand up for themselves. *It led to the Declaration of Independence.
  • The Declaration of Independence 1

    The Declaration of Independence  1
    *The Declaration of Independence was a document that Thomas Jefferson wrote to declare independence from England.
    • It started when Henry Lee told the Congress that the colonies should be free. With the help of Thomas Jefferson and other important people, the Declaration of Independance was born.
    • They decided that the colonists deserved to be free and not have their unalienable rights abused.
  • The Declaration of Independence 2

    The Declaration of Independence  2
    • The Declaration contains 1,400 words, in which 400 words are in the entry and conclusion. The other 1,000 are about the six components and the 25 abuses of King George.
    • It led to the beginning of a new country.
  • The Battle of Saratoga 1

    The Battle of Saratoga  1
    • The Battle of Saratoga was the greatest colonists victory at that time in history.
    *This battle started because the colonists wanted to defeat the British army and gain independence. *Before this battle, the British army were approaching the city of Saratoga. There, they were caught off guard when the colonists attacked them. The British were completely surrounded and had no other choice but to surrender.
  • The Battle of Saratoga 2

    The Battle of Saratoga  2
    • The colonists had lost the few last battles and wanted to prove to the other colonists and to the British that they could win this war.
    • The British were completely surprised.
    • This battle was important because more foreign countries supported the Patriots.
  • The Battle of Yorktown 1

    The Battle of Yorktown  1
    *The Battle of Yorktown is when the biggest British army surrendered to the colonists.
    • Before the Battle of Yorktown, the British commander named Cornwallis marched his army into Virginia and seized Yorktown. The Americans and French marched out of Williamsburg and arrived at Yorktown ,putting the British under siege. There, they waited for the British to make their move.
    • The colonist and the French surrounded Yorktown until the British decided to surrender.
  • The Battle of Yorktown 2

    The Battle of Yorktown   2
    • At this point, the colonist held the biggest British army captive.
    *This event was important because it was the battle that determined the outcome of the war.
    • It led to the Treaty of Paris.
  • The Treaty of Paris 1

    The Treaty of Paris  1
    • In the Battle of Yorktown, the colonists had the biggest British army captured.
    • In June 1781, the Americans began serious peace negotiations.
    • The Treaty of Paris established British recognition of the United States as their own country.
  • The Treaty of Paris 2

    The Treaty of Paris  2
    • The Treaty of Paris also extended America's border to the Great Lakes and to the Mississippi River
    • It led to the frontier rising and the at the end of the war the soldiers could go home.
    • It was important because it was first time America was free from the control of England. It was also important because it showed other countries that it is possible to free yourself from a King or Queen.