Industrial revolution

Unit 6: Industrial Revolution

  • Steam Engine by James Watt

    Steam Engine by James Watt
    All though Mr. Watt did not invent the steam engine he created the first reliable one. The key to his succsseful invention was that each part had to be the right temperature and do its duty correctly. This brilliant invention created usable mechanical energy by converting steam into that energy.
  • Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney

    Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney
    Before Whitney's revolutionizing invention hundreds of hours were spent seperating the cotton seeds from the actual cotton fibers. However, once the cotton gin was invented it automated the seed seperation process. Slaves were still need to physically power this instrument, but it made the process much quicker. Also a benefit was that it produced much more cotton in less time then before.
  • Interchangeable Parts by Eli Whitney

    Interchangeable Parts by Eli Whitney
    Before America's introdution to interchangeable parts each indivdual machine had unique parts to it because they were hand made by a specific person. However once Eli Whitney introduced these parts- fit into any machine making them easier to replace and repair- repairing and replacing machines became signifigantly easier.
  • Steamboat by Robert Fulton

    Steamboat by Robert Fulton
    Robert Fulton neither invented or put the first steam boat into service. Fulton's Clermont taveled from New York City to Albany, New York, making history. This was because he created the first successful comercial steamboat. A steamboat is meant to be able to travel upstream, which before tis creation was unheard of. However, with the creation of the steamboat water travel became very popular and common.
  • Mechanical Reaper by Cyrus McCormick

    Mechanical Reaper by Cyrus McCormick
    Before McCormick's amazing invention all farming was done be hand and was very time consuming. His invention automatically cut,threshed and bundled grain while being pulled by horses. At first farmers did not accept his invention because since the beginning of time they had farmed one specific way, and were not open to change. However with improvements and modifications by 1851 Cyrus's invenation was widely accepted and bought.
  • Telegraph by Samuel Morse

    Telegraph by Samuel Morse
    Many invetors before Samuel Morse were investigating the use of the telegraph. However, he was the one to prove that wires could carry messages. The pulse that passed through these wires produced written codes on a piece of paper- the invention of Morse code. This code was later modified so that the written code was dots and dashes.
  • Sewing Machine by Elias Howe

    Sewing Machine by Elias Howe
    Many inventors before Howe attempted to create this machine. However, no one was able to do so. Barthelemy Thimonnier invented the first sewing machine, but was attacked by tailors who believed their jobs would be taken by this machine. Then Walter Hunt did the same, but soon lost interest and did not continue hsi improvement of the machine. Finally, Elias Howe recieved a patent and finished the sewing machine. However, he struggled to sell it because the non-interest in his product.
  • Improved Sewing Machine by Isaac Singer

    Improved Sewing Machine by Isaac Singer
    Isaac Singer worked in a Boston machine shop where he was given a sewing machine to repair. However, instead of fixing it he improved. The machine could now continuously curve and stitch. This made it possible to sew on any part of the machine.
  • Steel Process by Henry Bessemer

    Steel Process by Henry Bessemer
    Originally thought of by William Kelly, steel processing was essential to the development of skyscrapers. However Kelly later went bankrupt and ended up selling his his patent to Bessemer. Who was at the time was working on a similar process. The key was to find a way to purifiy molten pig iron, which Bessemer successfully performed. Since, he did this he was knighted in 1879 for his contribution to science.
  • Transatlantic cable by Cyrus Field

    Transatlantic cable by Cyrus Field
    Communication through the telegraoh became very popular in America. However, Cyrus Field felt that the expansion of communication between countries would be very effective. Therfore, beginning in 1857 he began his journey of placing telegraph lines at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean from America to Europe. Many of his attempts were unsuccessful. On August 5, 1858 his invention was successfully placed at the bottom of the ocean, stretching nearly 2,000 miles across.
  • Steel PLow by John Deere

    Steel PLow by John Deere
    The population of America was greatly growing and food consumion was gaining speed. Therefore, farmers were in high demanded. and the process of farming need to pick up speed. John Deere an Illinois blacksmith and manufacturer decided that it was time to make farming faster and easier. Therefore, he invented the amazing steel plow that could cut through soil with little affort and did not clog. This revolutionized farming and Deere's company still existes today.