Unit 3 Timeline

  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was the most severe economic depression that affected the world internationally. A stock market crash in 1929 wiped out millions of investors, causing the stock market to crash. 12 million people in the US lost their jobs by 1932. The economic crises in Europe and the USA heightened tensions between the nations, which is one of the reasons why war broke out in 1939. Fallen economies hurt many nations.
  • Manchurian Crisis

    The Manchurian Crisis was the seizure of Manchuria, a Chinese town, by Japanese troops. The Manchurian Crises allowed Japan to gain dominance in China. The League of Nations did not interfere in this crises, because Britain and France feared causing more tension between the nations. This shows that the League of Nations failed to keep the peace in the 1930's by not intervening when countries like Japan used aggressive foreign policy.
  • World Disarmament Conference

    The World Disarmament Conference was held to discuss a reduction or limitation of arms between the nations. The World Disarmament Conference failed because of Germany. Germany refused to be treated differently from the other powers, resulting in chaos. This shows how the rise of extremism caused relations between the nations to be strained. Germany did not want to conform or compromise with the other nations causing tension.
  • Abyssinia invaded by Italy

    Mussolini invaded Abyssinia because he wanted to expand Italian influence. The league of Nations initially imposed sanctions on Italy for this invasion, but Italy did not retreat. The League did not interfere any more, and Italy continued to occupy Abyssinia. This is significant in understanding why the League failed to keep the peace in the 1930's. The League failed to discipline countries who had aggressive foreign policy, leaving them to continue to break what the treaties imposed.
  • Spanish Civil War

    The Spanish Civil was a civil war fought in Spain. The war was divided into two groups, the Republicans and the Nationalists. The Nationalists won the civil war, and were supported by Germany and Italy. The Republicans looked to Britain and France for help, but they took on a policy of appeasement. This is significant in understanding how Britain and France's policy of appeasement did not solve any problems during the 1930's and heightened tensions.
  • Remilitarization of the Rhineland

    The remilitarization of the Rhineland was in direct defiance of the Treaty of Versailles. Germany made the excuse that the the Rhineland needed to be remilitarized because they needed to protect themselves from other nations. Nations did not do anything to stop the remilitarization. This is significant in understanding how the League of Nations failed to keep the peace in the 1930's. They did not do anything to reprimand Germany.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    The Nazi-Soviet Pact, was an agreement between Germany and Russian to not use aggression towards each other. The pact agreed that both countries would not help a third party that attacked either of them. The pact also outlined Russia's acceptance of the influence of Germany after they would invade Poland. The Nazi-Soviet Pact shows how the rise of extremism cause international relations to be strained. This pact caused worry throughout Europe because it enabled Hitler to launch an attack w/o int
  • Pact of Steel

    The Pact of Steel was an alliance between Germany and Italy. This alliance was an military and political agreement. The pact was intended to be a solution to to the issue of large powers being able to come together, and work orderly together. Mussolini's goal was to reduce the power of the League of Nations. This is significant in understanding how the rise of extremism affected relations. Extremism led to pacts like this one which wanted to limit the League of Nations.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invaded Poland, justifying it by saying that Poland had been planning an attack on Germans bases on their race. Germany also claimed that Britain and France were planning this attack alongside Poland. Britain and France guaranteed Poland their protection against Germany. This is significant in understanding why war broke out in 1939. Britain realized that Germany was not changing their aggressive foreign policy, so Chamberlin decided that Britain will declare war on Germany.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declared war on Germany following Germany's invasion of Poland. Britain saw the tactics that Germany used as aggressive and were fed up. Chamberlin finally realized that the policy of appeasement was not effective in keeping the peace between the nations, and Germany. This is significant in understanding why war broke out in 1939. Britain and France declared war on Germany following their invasion of Poland.