1 fries

Unit 2 Timeline

  • 1295

    Marco Polo's travels

    Marco Polo's travels
    Marco Polo was the person who ignited the want and need for further exploration of the world. When he returned from his exploration in China, in 1295, he told people about the riches of the East. His information is what made this event so important because he sparked the curiosity and greed inside the minds and hearts of the European people. He inspired people to find news ways to travel into new places for trade, commerce, and exploration.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus arrives in the New World

    Columbus arrives in the New World
    Columbus was an Italian explorer who was sent by the King and Queen of Spain to find a new spice route to India. On his travels, he managed to accidentally stumble upon the new world. This event was crucial because it was one, the most famous events in history, and two, one of the most false events in history. Columbus was to have believed to discover North America, but never stepped foot in it. He landed in the Bahamas and sparked other European countries to expand on land and gain territory.
  • 1519

    Cortes and the Conquistadors

    Cortes and the Conquistadors
    Hernan Cortes set sail from Cuba in the name of Spain to explore a reap the riches of Mexico. His prime target land was inhabited by the natives know as the Aztecs. Not only was the land fought for resources, but also for the spread of Christianity. This was one of the major event in history due to how much Spain was able to conquer. Spain had control of most of South America in this time. Taking over this land was an amazing picture of Spain's militaristic force and careful plan of takeover.
  • 1558

    Religious Differences

    Religious Differences
    Queen Elizabeth I took the thrown of England in 1558 and brought with her a rivalry with Spain. Before Elizabeth took the thrown, King Henry VIII had decided to enact the Protestant Reformation, distancing the English from Christianity. After Elizabeth was crowned. the Spanish and England began a rivalry due to the butting religions. This event is the spark that lead to the Spanish and English exploring and competing over most economic decisions. This rivalry lasted over the centuries.
  • Slave Labor Codes

    Slave Labor Codes
    During this time, Europeans had began colonizing and developing farms and plantations for the economy. in 1655, the English had claimed many West Indian islands to begin these plantations and sugar became the prime crop. In order to work the plantations, the English imported millions of slaves over from Africa to work and to control them they used codes. These codes were the beginning of years and years of hardships for Africans. It was the economic oppression of Africans in the New World.
  • The Colony of Jamestown

    The Colony of Jamestown
    Virginia was the first colony to be founded by the English. When Englishmen began o explore for resources they were met with the native's attacks. They were pushed back into what they founded as Jamestown. At first, the town was a nightmare due to its terrible conditions and disease. Eventually, it was helped by a John Smith, who brought together the men to survive that long winter. This was the English's first claim in the new land and it is a significant part of history.