
New world beginnings and The Planting of English America

By x.bx
  • Sep 13, 1295

    Europeans enter Africa

    Europeans enter Africa
    Marco Polo an Italian adventurer returned to Europe in 1295 from
  • Apr 11, 1450

    Europeans enter Africa

    In 1450 portuguese marines created the caravel, which is a ship that is able to sail through the wind.
  • May 2, 1500

    England on the Eve of an Empire

    England on the Eve of an Empire
    An economic depression that hit England, caused many people to lose their homes.
  • Jul 9, 1500

    The Spanish Conquistadores

    The Spanish Conquistadores
    Spain became the dominant exploring and colonizing power.
  • Jun 5, 1513

    The Spanish Conquistadores

    The Spanish Conquistadores
    Ponce de Leon explores Florida
  • Nov 6, 1513

    The Spanish Conquistadores

    The Spanish Conquistadores
    Balboa claims all lands touched by the Pacific Ocean for Spain.
  • Mar 31, 1514

    The Spread of Spanish America

    The Spread of Spanish America
    De Soto explores eastern seaboard of North America for France
  • Mar 30, 1519

    The Conquest of Mexico

    The Conquest of Mexico
    Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain
  • Mar 13, 1521

    The Conquest of Mexico

    The Conquest of Mexico
    Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain
  • Jun 6, 1521

    The Spanish Conquistadores

    The Spanish Conquistadores
    Ponce de Leon explores Florida
  • Apr 9, 1524

    The Spanish Conquistadores

    The Spanish Conquistadores
    Verrazano explores eastern seaboard of North America for France
  • Dec 24, 1530

    England's Imperial Stirrings

    England's Imperial Stirrings
    King Henry VIII broke with the Roman Catholic Church launching the English Protestant Reformation, and intensifying the rivalry with Catholic Spain.
  • Sep 20, 1539

    The Spread of Spanish America

    The Spread of Spanish America
    De soto explores the Southeast and discovers the Mississippi River.
  • Jul 20, 1542

    The Spread of Spanish America

    The Spread of Spanish America
    Cabrillo explores California coast for Spain.
  • Aug 20, 1542

    The Spread of Spanish America

    The Spread of Spanish America
    De Soto explores and discovers the Mississippi River.
  • Sep 13, 1580

    Elizabeth Energizes England

    Elizabeth Energizes England
    Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe, plundering and returning with his ship loaded with Spanish booty, getting a profit of about 4,600%
  • England Plants the Jamestown Seeding

    England Plants the Jamestown Seeding
    A joint-stock company, known as Virginia Company of London, received a charter from King James I of England for a settlement in the New World.
  • England on the Eve of an Empire

    England on the Eve of an Empire
    The company landed in Jamestown.
  • England on the Eve of an Empire

    England on the Eve of an Empire
    Captain John Smith took over the town and forced the settlers into line.
  • Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake

    Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake
    Lord De La Warr reached Jamestown with supplies with military. He started the First Anglo-Powhatan War when he started raiding and burning Indian villages
  • Virginia: Child of Tobacco

    Virginia: Child of Tobacco
    John Rolfe marries Pocahontas ending the First Anglo-Powhatan War
  • Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake

    Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake
    The indians were again defeated in the Second Anglo-Powhatan war.