unit 2 key terms

  • assimilation

    learning new ideas. can mean a smaller culture being absorbed into a bigger one
  • industrialization

    changing from farming to manufacturing. more people work in the city
  • immigration

    people moving from one country to another. all the american settlers were immigrants
  • urbanization

    people moving from rural to urban areas. more people started to work in cities and eventually moved there.
  • rural & urban

    rural & urban
    rural environments have less people. cities are urban
  • homestead act of 1862

    homestead act of 1862
    us govt gave land to settlers. was made to include all americans
  • civil war amendments

    civil war amendments
    13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. part of reconstruction
  • closing of the western frontier

    closing of the western frontier
    when there was no more open space with few people. happened a year after oklahoma land rush
  • americanization

    influence Americans have on other people. can involve people in other countries or immigrants to america
  • Americanization

    influence of americans on other people. can apply to people in other cultures or american immigrants