unit 13 timeline

  • roosevelt defeats Hoover for presidency

  • soil conversation and domestic allotment act. roosevelt defeats landon for presidency

  • USHA established roosevelt announces court-packing plan

  • US neutrality act of 1937 panay incident. japan invades china

  • second AAA fair labor standards Act

  • Hitler seizes Austria. Munich conference. Kristallnacht in germany

  • reorganization act. hatch act

  • spanish civil war

  • Hitler seizes all of czechoslovakia. Nazi-soviet pact. WWii begins in europe with hitlers invasion of poland. US neutrality act of 1939

  • lend-lease act. hitler attacks soviet union. atlantic charter. japan attacks pearl habor

  • united states declares was on japan. germany declares war on united states. roudalph plans black on washinton. fair employment practices communisim (FEPC) established. roosevelt delivers "four freedoms" speech

  • battle of the bulge