unit 1 timeline

  • Jamestown

    1st Permanant english settlement in the americas.
  • house of burgesses

    First representive government in the americas.
  • Start of slavery.

    They were fisst brung here in jamestown from africa.
  • Mayflower compact

    was a document that agreed to obey laws created for a general law (created a covanant government)
  • French and indian war

    was a 7 year war between britian and france and the indians.
  • treaty of paris

    england gained west of appalachain and in canada from france.
  • proclomation of 1763

    england prohibited colonist from settling west of the appalachains
  • stamp act

    placed a tax on legal documents
  • boston massacre

    a mob of bristish soilder demonstrates formed and and fired into the mob (5 colonist died ) the colonist portrayed a event as a massacre.
  • boston tea party

    putted restrictions on tea, then passed the intolerable acts.