
Unit 1 and 2 Timeline

  • 8000 BCE

    Neolithic Age

    Neolithic Age
    In the Neolithic age, people began to organize into villages and writing began, thus making history. This was the start of civilizations. This is important because it paved way for the documentation of history.
  • 3500 BCE


    The first civilization, settled between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It is home to the famous set of laws, "Hammurabi's code". This is important because it was the first real civilization.
  • 3100 BCE


    Egypt was responsible for creating a calendar, many forms of architecture, and new medicine practices. Egypt made lots of advancement that brought history forward. This is important because other civilizations were able to learn from them.
  • 2000 BCE


    A religion which includes a caste system, reincarnation, and their sacred texts; The Veda's. They are believed to be polytheistic, but they are actually monotheistic, worshipping Brahmin. This is important because it inspired India's social order.
  • 1755 BCE

    Code of Hammurabi

    Code of Hammurabi
    A set of laws used in Babylon to keep social order. Origin of the saying "an eye for an eye". This is important because it was one of the first sets of laws.
  • 1600 BCE


    An early settlement built along the Yellow river. They made many achievements in math and astronomy. This is important because they made many advancements in military technology.
  • 1500 BCE


    A monotheistic religion that includes prominent prophets like Abraham and Moses. Their religious texts include the Ten Commandments and the Torah. This is important because the Ten Commandments have inspired many laws that exist in modern societies today.
  • 1341 BCE

    King Tutankhamun

    King Tutankhamun
    A young king of Egypt who only ruled for ten years before his untimely death. Was somewhat of a controversial figure. He was important because his tomb was found to be un-looted and helped to make more discoveries about Egypt.
  • 1 CE


    An Abrahamic religion that follows the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth who is believed to be the son of God. Many people were against Christianity because it went against tradition. This is important because Christianity is one of the biggest religions today.
  • 1542

    Roman Inquisition

    Roman Inquisition
    A mass conversion by force to Christianity in order to combat Protestantism. It was a gruesome event that killed many people. This is important because it spread Christianity throughout the world.