unit 1 & 2 timeline project

  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to


  • Oct 11, 1492

    columbus sailed to america

    columbus sailed to america
    thought he was going to asia
  • Jamestown,Virginia

    first english colony was founded in jamestown virginia by a group of english settlers
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    extracted revenue from colonies. made every piece of printed paper taxed. and example would be news papers
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    this ended the revolutionary war and was signed by John adams
  • market revolution

    market revolution
    expansion of the market place and linked the united states of america together by roads and canals.
  • diseases

    dieseases had spread through america and had killed millions and killed off towns such as smallpox
  • Native American Genocide

    Native American Genocide
    forced them otua their land and destroyed their lively hoods and took all of their resources and killed many unarmed natives
  • transportation

    transportation besides railroads also include steamboats which were invented in 1787.
    wagons and horses were another sort of transportation.
  • railroads

    It influenced the population of cities, trade and transportation
  • native americans

    native americans
    were the first people here in america until comubus sailed here and killed us off
  • womens rights & education

    womens rights & education
    woman protested for equal rights and for their education and not to be second class workers they also wanted the right to vote
  • the treaty of ghent

    the treaty of ghent
    this treaty ended the war and made federalists die out and showed that the united states was finally independent from britain
  • second great awankening

    second great awankening
    this movement emphasized emotional individual conversion and christianity gave slaves hope for freedom
  • Slavery

    slaves were treated very poorly and were forced to be sold and forced to do what the white people said. most slaves were dying because the harsh wroking conditions. many slaves ran away and if they got caught they got killed or were harshly pushed.

    a war between the north and the south of the untied states
  • the 13th amendment

    the 13th amendment
    the abolishment of slavery
  • civil rights act

    civil rights act
    guranteed civil rights of african americans
  • inventions

    in 1067 the type writer was invented.
    1876 the telephone was invented.
    the steel plow was invenetd.
  • the dawes act

    the dawes act
    tried to force native americans into the white culture and broke up reservations.but this failed bcause the native americans were cheated of the best land
  • reconstruction

    this was to help rebuild america after the war and to fix everything up and this was the start of a new beginning