union timeline

  • The Potato Famine

    The Potato Famine
    The potato famine in ireland was the worst famine in england in the 1800's. All the potato crops were dieing off due to the seroius desease called late blight. it killed most of the crops. it put alot of poeple out of work that year.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    After a bombing in chicago,illinios there was a huge riot that accured. they were gathered for a labor demostartion and when the bomb went off everyone lost it. No one knows who did the bombing.
  • The Great Southweat Railroad Strike

    The Great Southweat Railroad Strike
    This strike occured because people felt they had unsafe working enivorments and felt they were not getting paid enough. this made the railroad buisness in this area lose alot of money.This Stike was a big strike across five states.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    People went on strike because they were working 12 hour work days and wage cuts due to poor economy. About 250,000 workers were involved in this strike, this caused train tracks to be shut down west of Chicago.
  • LA Times Bombing

    LA Times Bombing
    The LA Times was bombed because they were anti-union. This killed 20 people. Two men connected to the iron workers union confessed to bombing the LA Times.
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre
    the national guard and colorado fuel and iron companies attacked a community of coal miners and their families. this took the lives of most of the workers and destroyed the union.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great depression was terrible most of the poeple still left in a union belonged to a skilled trade union. Alot of poeple that werent skilled were out of a job. Often people with a skill were also out of a job.
  • Norris-LaGuardia Act

    Norris-LaGuardia Act
    This act was set into place to make it to where your employer cant prevent you from joining a union. This bascially boils down to getting better wages and also having better work enviorments. it also bettered the protecg on peacefull protesting.
  • Textile Worker Strike

    Textile Worker Strike
    Long hours and low wages led to American textile workers to go on strike. They gathered about 400,000 people to leave their jobs in just over 20 days. This strike was forced to end with no demands being met.
  • The Wager Act

    The Wager Act
    The wager act was passed in 1935 and this act was to help protect the poeples rights. its connected to the labor movement because it protects the peoples right to join a union. it also protects the right to go on strike.
  • The Fair Labor Standered Act

    The Fair Labor Standered Act
    the fair labor act is a law that protects child labor and overtime rights eligability. This law also establishes minimum wage and record keeping. This law helped keep children in a safer enviorment.