Union Timeline

  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution is a movement where machines changed the way of life as well as their methods of manufacturing. People used machines to make cloth and steam engines. This effected the union because it gave them work to do.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War is one of the bloodiest wars in American history. Eleven southern states group together to become the confederate states of America. The union won the war.
  • Law as an Employer's Weapon

    Law as an Employer's Weapon
    The Employer's Weapon Law had employers labeling union activity, particularly strikes, as illegal. Judges agreed and quickly claimed it illegal for employees to raise wages together, also. This made it very difficult for the union to make any gains.
  • Atlanta's Washerwomen Strike

    Atlanta's Washerwomen Strike
    The Washerwomen Strike was thousands of black laundresses went on strike for higher wages. They gained so much support they threatened to have a general strike. This effected the union because even more people quit working for higher wages.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    The Homestead Strike took place in Pennsylvania. It was instigated by the steel plant's management. They were set to lower its costs of production by breaking the union. It resulted in a very bloody battle.
  • The Great Anthracite Strike

    The Great Anthracite Strike
    The Great Anthracite Strike was a coal strike. It was held by the United Mine Workers.The miners wanted higher wages and shorter days. This affected them because they lost work standing up for themselves.
  • Confederation of Labor

    Confederation of Labor
    The Confederation of Labor is trade union. This wa drig he cl war era This opened up the free trade union. This was positive for union. It led to more work.
  • Railroad Shop Worker's Strike

    Railroad Shop Worker's Strike
    The Railroad Shop Worker’s was all the railroad workers going on strike. This was a nationwide strike. This effected this union because approximately 75% of the workers were replaced by nonunion workers.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    World War 2 is one of the most well known wars in history. It was one of the deadliest wars in our country, as well. We lost economic and industrial power. This deeply effected our unions.
  • Slave Labor Law

    Slave Labor Law
    The Slave Labor Law turned the public against unions. They had thought they had became too powerful. The Taft-Harley Act came out and gave people the option to join a union or not. This hurts the unions because workers lessened and businesses had new rights.
  • Labor-Management Law

    Labor-Management Law
    The Labor-Management Law grants rights to union members and protects their interests.They have a Bill of Rights for union members. This secures labor organizations, union officers and employees.