Understandin Colonial Unrest

By ngalu
  • Period: to

    Understanding Colonial Unrest

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    This was a war between the French and the British. The Indians were Allies to the French.
  • Proclamation

    King George issues Proclamation. Restricted Colonists from settling in Appalachian Mountains.
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    It made sure that people carried a stamp on all the paper goods and mail. They were taxed and all the taxes went to the King.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Colonists were ordered to let soldiers stay at their homes and eat their food.
  • Writs of Assistance

    Writs of Assistance
    Colonists were smuggling goods with out the Government knowing so they wont be taced. England wants to stop smuggling. They got search warrents to look for smuggled goods.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    This new law placed a duty, or tax, on certain goods the colonies imported from great Britain. These goods included such popular items as glass, paint, paper, and tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A fight broke out between colonists and the Soldiers. Five colonists ended up dead and 10 injured.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Some of the colonists dressed as Indians and went to the Boston Harbor. They boarded several ships and dumped all the tea off and into a harbor.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    An act to allow a drawback of the duties of customs on the exportation of tea to any of his Majesty's colonies or plantations in America; to increase the deposit on bohea tea to be sold at the India Company's sales; and to impower the commissioners of the treasury to grant licences to the East India Company to export tea duty-free.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    Leaders met in Philadalphia and discussed the colonists problems. They sent a letter to the King so that he can consider their problems.
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    A British general wanted 700 soldiers to go and destory guns in Concord, Massachusetts that were made by colonists.