Underground to canada for bloooooooooog

Underground to Canada

By alinz.t
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    Chapter 1.

  • The Whisperings.

    The Whisperings.
    Whisperings about slave trader going on. Old John tells stable boys what Missy Hensen told him, they tell the children; soon everyone knows and rumors are spreading.
  • Mammy Sally's Talk with Julilly.

    Mammy Sally's Talk with Julilly.
    Mammy Sally comes and comforts Julilly about the rumors, she prays to the Lord to help them, and assures her that everything will be alright. She tells her no matter what happens to remember that she had a strong, fine Daddy, a Mammy who loves her, and to pray to the Lord for everything. She also tells her about Canada and how to get there.
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    Chapter 2

  • Arrival of Sims.

    Arrival of Sims.
    Sims, the slave trader, comes to pick out a few slaves, He is jay-bird voice, short, thick-necked, oily skinned and big man with yellow teeth. He is horrible and heartless, and snatches small children away from their parents. He also picks Julilly. She is very sad, but does not cry or make a scene. He loads the slaves into a cart with Adam, Ben and Lester tied at the back and they set off.
  • Waggon Ride.

    Waggon Ride.
    The waggon jogged slowly, with the chained men behind. It was a very long ride, and it was also very hot and dry. Julilly comforted the children along the way, who "wimpered like tiny, forgotten sheep". She held their hands and consoled them. The sky was cloudless, and the sun was beating down. On the way, they saw slaves in fields just like at Massa Hensen. Julilly kept hoping that some miracle would happen and Mammy Saly would come take her.
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    Chapter 3.

  • Getting water.

    Getting water.
    When the waggon was stopped for rest, the childen and Julilly herself were extremely thirsty. Julilly looked for a way to attain water. Soon however, help came to her in the form of Mr. Fox and James, the free boy. They provided the slaves with water. Julilly was very selfless and she gave the water to the children before drinking it herself.
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    Chapter 4.

  • The Journey Continues.

    The Journey Continues.
    The waggon became home for Julilly and the slaves, as day by day they spent travelling in it. When it was hot, Julilly would cool the children's mouths with water. She was like a mother to them now, a caretaker. When they cried she sang to them. She would also pour water over the ankles of Adam, Lester and Ben when no one was around. Julilly shared the anger and fear of the slaves, and she drew strength from the children and Lesters's angry eyes. They kept her strong.
  • The Muddy Swamp.

    The Muddy Swamp.
    One day, the waggon was slushing through a muddy swamp; and the wet mud of the swamp sucked at the chains and pulled Adam and Sam down.Lester tried to help them up, in pain himself, and managed to pull them out with his strong muscles. A shower of rain splashed through the trees; and the driver and Sims both sped ahead with no one to help Julilly and the other slaves. Julilly, loosing her fear, helped the men in the water to get up by pulling their chains, Lester gave her a look of pride.