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U.S. History: VHS Summer: Evan Barry

  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to

    U.S. History: VHS Summer: Evan Barry

    Timeline of Colonial america. For VHS U.S. History class.
  • Settlers land at jamestown

    Settlers land at jamestown
    in spring of 1610 the first settlers landed at jamestown.
  • Pocohantas marries John Rolfe

    Pocohantas marries John Rolfe
    Pocohantas marries John Rolfe, NOT John Smith
  • Melting pot

    Melting pot
    Different origins of people to make a common identity.
  • slave codes

    slave codes
    set of laws that explained the status of slaves
  • shot heard round the world

    shot heard round the world
    The first shot of the civil war, no one knows which side shot it.
  • Declaration of independence announced

    Declaration of independence announced
    Document that declared U.S. 's independence from britain.
  • nationalism

    Identifying with or being attached to ones nation
  • Federalism

    A strong central government.
  • feminism

    Womens rights.
  • Cotton Gin Invented

    Cotton Gin Invented
    the cotton gin was invented, and it revolutionized farming cotton.
  • George Washington Dies

    George Washington Dies
    George Washington died and set all of his slaves free in his will.
  • Jefferson's Election

    Jefferson's Election
    Jefferson sways the nation towards federalism with his election.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Reffered to as "The Second Revolutionary War"
  • Jackson elected

    Jackson elected
    Andrew Jackson is elected president
  • Mexican American war

    Mexican American war
    War between mexico and U.S.
  • California Admitted to Union

    California Admitted to Union
    California was adnmitted to the union as a free state
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Kansas Nebraska act
    Opened new lands, and repealed of the missouri settlement.
  • Black codes

    Black codes
    Laws that restricated african americans newly gained freedom.
  • Emancipation Proclamation Announced

    Slaves were to be set free.
  • Slavocracy

    <a href='http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/slavocracyMerriam‑Webster'
    Definition of SLAVOCRACY. : a faction of slaveholders and advocates of slavery in the South before the American Civil War.